Reference no: EM132831912
After graduating from La Trobe University, you were recruited by Bundoora Technology as a Business Analyst. Bundoora Technology is an aspiring company committed to innovation and efficiency. They are keen to implement innovative ideas through a transparent process for organisational effectiveness and efficiency. They have a progressive group of employees; responsible and open minded to changes, while expecting equitable and transparent organisational policies.
The senior management is very concerned about the overall performance of Bundoora Technology. An internal investigation identified that organisation-wide change is essential to improve the performance of the organisation.
As you have successfully completed the subject Organisational Behaviour, you were assigned to support the management at Bundoora Technology to make an informed decision to implement organisation-wide change. For this purpose, you are required to identify the ideal change option that Bundoora Technology can adapt in this situation and propose strategies to mitigate any resistance to change that may occur. You also need to design a communication strategy for Bundoora Technology to implement the suggested changes. Following questions are prepared to assist you in this assignment, please answer all questions:
Based on the topics covered in your subject Organisational Behaviour, list and explain different types of change options that can be implemented at Bundoora Technology.
From those change options that you have listed for Question 1, recommend two options that you think will be ideal for your organisation to implement organisation-wide change and clearly explain why you have chosen these options for your organisation. Support your answer using case facts.