Outline what you should do as risk manager

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM133086685

BSBRSK501 Manage risk

Case Study - Background Information

You are the Risk Manager for a licensed restaurant chain "Food Star" and recently implemented an Action Plan after conducting a Risk Assessment on the business's operation in each location.

Everything appears to be going well, except in one (1) location "Riverside". You have noticed on review, that the only location that has not completed the required Action Plan and uploaded supporting documents is "Riverside".

You visit Riverside to monitor and evaluate the Action Plan and risk management processes.

On arrival you meet with the location Manager (Karen), to seek answers as to why the Action Plan documentation had not been uploaded as required and feedback on the Action Plan and risk management processes.

Karen informs you that she had intention to complete the Action Plan, and had started the process when she was interrupted and hasn't found the time to revisit it.

On investigate you discover that she had completed five (5) of the required actions, but failed to upload supporting documents and complete the action sign-off for each action. You assist her to complete the upload and sign -off, but there are two (2) outstanding actions remaining.

Karen also told you that she believes that having to complete the Action Plan it is a waste of time and that she is far too busy to have the luxury to indulge in such activities.

1 All required staff may not hold an RSA qualification Conduct staff audit
• identify any staff without a current RSA
• Identify staff with an RSA which is 3 years or older
• Staff without RSA must obtain and shifts on hold until obtained
• Staff with RSA 3 years or older to undertake online refresher course immediately.
2 All required staff may not hold a Food Handlers Certificate Conduct staff audit
• identify any staff without a food handlers Certificate
• Staff without a Food Handlers Certificate must obtain and shifts on hold until obtained

Answer the following Case Study Questions

Problem 1: Outline what you should do as Risk Manager in this circumstance

Problem 2: On completion of the staff audit, what two (2) things should you do to maintain the required documentation

Problem 3: In the event it is discovered that a number of staff did not in fact hold an RSA and serving alcohol, is the company in breach of legislation and if so, which legislation has been breached?

Problem 4: Outline what action you would recommend, to avoid this happening again in the future

Attachment:- Manage risk.rar

Reference no: EM133086685

Questions Cloud

Managing information assurance change initiatives : Describe the factors influencing the need for change and the imperatives for managing information assurance change initiatives.
Checks against any status debuffs : Checks whether your game character has picked up all the items needed to perform certain tasks and checks against any status debuffs.
What are the driving forces behind global firms : What are the driving forces behind global firms? How do emerging markets affect global firms' ability to leverage their core competencies?
Disaster recovery and business continuity : Discuss the relationship between this plan and other related planning such as disaster recovery and business continuity.
Outline what you should do as risk manager : Outline what you should do as Risk Manager in this circumstance and Outline what action you would recommend, to avoid this happening again in the future
Result of data redundancy : What three data anomalies are likely to be the result of data redundancy? How can such anomalies be eliminated? Explain.
Implementation of the risk action plan : Implementation of the risk Action Plan and Advise that you are attaching a copy of the final version of the Action Plan
Process of national incident management system : Identify and fully describe each of the five phases of the planning process of the National Incident Management System (NIMS).
Describe procedure used in programming : In your own words, describe a procedure used in programming. Why is it important to use procedures?


Write a Review

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