Reference no: EM132979789
1. Why do some employees want to have a union represent them?
2. Outline the factors external to the workplace that could affect employees' desire to unionize.
3. Why do some employees oppose unionization of their workplace?
4. How can the union obtain the right to be the bargaining agent for a group of employees?
5. What are the four things that a union will have to establish when it applies to a labour relations board to be certified?
6. Identify employees who are prevented from unionizing and the reasons for their exclusion.
7. Who decides what the appropriate bargaining unit is when a union applies for certification and what is the significance of this determination?
8. What are the factors considered when the appropriate bargaining unit is determined?
9. Why do unions prefer a process that allows for certification on the basis of membership cards without a representation vote being held?
10. Outline four employer and two union unfair labour practices during the organizing campaign and certification process.
11. What is the meaning and significance of the phrase of "business as usual" at the time of a certification application?
12. Are employees allowed to sign up their co-workers as union members on the employer's property?
13. What are the remedies for unfair labour practices during an organizing campaign and certification application?
14. Why is decertification an important part of labour relations legislation?
15. What does the phrase "successor rights" refer to and why are successor rights a necessary part of labour relations legislation?
(Take a reference from the book- Labour Relations 4th edition Suffield)