Reference no: EM133174064
The purpose of a report's outline is to help you organize your thoughts and ideas so that you can focus on and write an effective report. Creating an outline for your research report will help you identify what you already know about the topic, and what you need to research more on your topic.
Arrange your outline by major topics, subtopics, and supporting detail. Writing down your thoughts will help you organize your ideas in a logical order so that you know what topic to cover in what order.
Use MS Word's outlining feature to create your Research Report Outline.
Below is an example. Let me know if you have any questions.
Remember: warm up with story, joke, etc.
Tell the audience what you're going to say
Say It
In the conclusion, tell the audience what you told them above
A presentation outline should include the following:
1. Open up with a story, personal story, appropriate joke, question for the audience related to the topic.
2. Segway to the topic and what you will be discussing.
3. BODY OF PRESENTATION (The body of the presentation is where the details should go). This should cover at least 3 points with detail about the topic.
- Point 1. Expand on this
- Point 2. Expand on this
- Point3. Expand on this. (I'm the outline just make the point about what you plan to talk about in more detail, you'll put the details in the actual paper)
4. Conclusion of paper (You will discuss and reinforce what you are going to talk about and give a brief overview and your conclusions to go with the overview.