Outcome of interest in the sequence of coins

Assignment Help Game Theory
Reference no: EM1390699

Give the appropriate sample space for each of the following experiments:

(a) A standard deck of cards consists of 52 cards in four different suits. There are 13 Diamonds, 13 Hearts, 13 Clubs and 13 Spades. You randomly select two cards from a deck. The outcome of interest is the suit of each of the selected cards.

(b) Diamonds and Hearts are red and Clubs and Spades are black. Suppose you randomly select three cards from the deck. The outcome of interest is the colour of each of the selected cards.

(c) A hat contains three coins - one gold, one silver and one copper. You will select coins one at a time without replacement until you choose the gold coin. The outcome of interest is the sequence of coins that are selected during this process.

Reference no: EM1390699

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