Reference no: EM13532245
A full market analysis must look at forces intrernally to the venture and at the eternal environment is will be operating in.
Directly about our project, “Healthy Hearts For Everyone “. Discussed about project’s target audience, described who they are. They are our target market that we provide screening services. What is the market size, i.e. number of people who get the services? Market segmentation? E.g risk group , seniors >65 years old etc. You may add their demographics, lifestyle, social status, geographic areas of coverage, DC. PG county, and PW county, market growth, Trends that is driving the market or how market changing e.g impact of socio-economic, cultural factors, or healthcare law. Any market competition exist? On how to reach them, marketing strategic tools, adverting tools, TV, radio, media possibilities… which ones are the best to reach the target audience? Any Advertising?
McLeish (2010) states that developing a marketing plan requires the organization to to look at the internal environment and ask the Questions:
1) What is our purpose
2) Who is our customer base or target population
3) What are we trying to achieve
4) What methods are we going to use to reach our goals
5) Where will our operational budget come from and as appropriate:
6) How will the larger organization impact on our venture
7) How will we impact the larger organization
Moseley (2009) states that the market analysis must also examine the external environment by looking at four elements:
1) Who else is offering this product or service
2) Is the market or need growing, stable, or shrinking
3) What is the potential share of the market the proposed venture
4) Why will those needing your service/product choose to your service over what others are offering
Note see attach documents for detail.
“To build healthier lives, free of cardiovascular disease and stroke. That single-purpose drives all we do. The need for our work is beyond question." (
Many reasons to include instruction on "Hands only CPR" along with instruction of AED use along with the signs of heart attack and stroke.
1. Hands only CPR is quick to learn and a proven best practice that saves lives see demo at (this video is also interesting as it shows an example of sponsorship)
2. Our program would mostly include it as a demonstration or through videos that people would watch while waiting to have their blood pressure and risk factors checked.
3. One of the goals stated in the assignment is outreach - spreading the AHA message. CPR, AEDs along recognizing the early signs of stroke and heart attacks is the Core of the AHA message. They represent the first link in the chain of survival taught in health care provider CPR classes.
4. Announcing that there will be demonstrations and educations will interest more people in coming to the events and increase the number of people screened.
5. Offering these educational components will provide a competitive edge over groups that may also have been asked to put together proposal to be considered. There is nothing that said we are the only one's that AHA asked to put together a proposal. They may have asked for several but will only end up funding the one they feel will give them the best return on their investment. Our proposal will be more attractive if we can say that we screen the BP of 15,000 people and also taught them hands only CPR, AED use had the signs of heart attack and stroke. We need to give the AHA something to get excited about.
6. The one mobile program that I know about that is run but AHA teaches CPR. Our program would supplement that effort by taking that piece to people that the CPR program is not likely to reach.
Our target market is people with limited annual income who may not afford health insurances. And also consider employees of local agencies, industries, self-employed business that may not have health insurance with their employers. These organizational setting can help us set up schedule for screening through direct contact with the employer. One of our goals is to reach to those underserved and uninsured population groups in the coverage areas.
Loudon, Fairfax County and FFX city, city of Falls Church, Arlington county, Montgomery County are high -income regions. Prince Williams County is not so except the city of Manassas and Manassas Park. The rest of prince William County is rural community. I think we can exclude those rich counties and cities and focus on low -income counties and underserved and uninsured population living there. Thus, my recommendation is as you mentioned, we can take DC, PG county, Prince William county (exclude the two cities in P.W. county), Charles county, and Anne Arundel County. Fredrick county and Calvert county are out of 20-25 miles radius ranges( Group talking about Washington DC area as target market)
We will actually screen about 2 percent of the people in our target audience in any given year. If our goal is to screen 20,000 people a year we will need a pool of about 1 million people to reach that goal. My hope would be that for every person we screen, our message is heard by another 4 or 5 other people, either directly from the individual we screen or because they see the advertising for the event or see our vehicle around town and it makes them think at least for a few moments that monitoring their blood pressure is important.
1 Program will be part of the AHA –
2 Program Scope
Screening: – Blood Pressure monitoring
Heart and Stroke Risk factor screening
Computer based questionnaire (small groups)
Computer scored paper questionnaire (large groups)
Education: - Signs of heart attack – AHA videos and handouts
Signs of Stroke – AHA videos and hand outs
Hands only CPR – Demonstration (large groups)
Instruction (small Groups)
AED Instructions _ AHA videos hand outs
3 Service Area: 150 mile radius of Washington, DC. Estimated population (21Million people)
URBAN Areas: Washington, DC metro (5 million)
Philadelphia, PA metro (6 Million)
Baltimore, MD metro (2.6 millions)
Richmond, VA metro (1.2 million)
Rural areas in Virginia
West Virginia
New Jersey
Partner Programs: AHA affiliated Check, Change, and Control (Are they in the service area?)
Local American Heart Chapters
City Health Departments
Qualified Community Organizations
Partners will be the sponsors of local events, supplying local organizing logistics, medical volunteers and to staff the unit. AHA trained volunteers to do training events.
Attachment:- 11_MWS19KIR1128MAR_1OperationalPlandraft2.docx