OTEC 1016 Supply Chain and Logistics Management Assignment

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133078168

OTEC 1016 Supply Chain and Logistics Management - ERC Institute Singapore

Assessment detail

Research report title: "The impacts of Covid-19 on supply chain management"

To analyze the Covid-19 impacts on supply chain management
  √ You need to choose ONE specific industry to focus your analysis;
  √ You should try to use various sources and data to support your analysis.
• To develop your recommendations on how to manage supply chain effectively in a disruptive situation (such as Covid-19)
  √ You should use sufficient reference to support your arguments with appropriate Harvard Referencing Style to avoid plagiarism.

Template Structure

1. Introduction
(This should be a very brief background introduction and highlights the key points you will discuss in the section 2 and 3. Around 300 words)

2. The impacts of Covid-19 on Supply chain management
(This section and the section 3 are the key parts of this research report. Please choose ONE industry to focus your research. A supply chain structure mapping is expected, which then could be very clear you can link the impact analysis with the structure. Around 1000 words)

3. Recommendations of managing supply chain under the context of Covid-19
(This section is the place you practice your problem-solving skill, you need to develop your recommendations based on what your learnt from the module and you own research. The key thing is to justify those recommendations to convince readers to accept it. So you will need to use evidences for example academic journal paper to support your argument establishment here. Please try to use as many reference as possible, and make sure you use appropriate Harvard Referencing style (there is one guidance document just below this document on Moodle) to avoid plagiarism. Around 1500 words)

4. Conclusions
(This should be a very brief summary what you have done in section 2 and 3. Don't raise any
new points or new ideas here, just a summary. Around 200 words)

5. Reference (at least 20 references are needed)

Attachment:- Supply Chain and Logistics Management.rar

Reference no: EM133078168

Questions Cloud

How much cash did BL receive : The pattern of collection of cash from customers is expected to be 40% in the month of the sale, How much cash did BL receive
Projection of financial performance : This segment of your business plan is crucial in securing funding by enhancing your selling effort of your new venture to prospective investors,
Conclusion of argument based on statistics : What is the premise and conclusion of the argument based on statistics? Determine whether or not the argument uses any deceptive statistics.
Critical event analysis essay : What is the Global Financial Crisis (GFC)? What caused it and why did it spread? What impact did the GFC have on the economy in Singapore? Discuss.
OTEC 1016 Supply Chain and Logistics Management Assignment : OTEC 1016 Supply Chain and Logistics Management Assignment Help and Solution, ERC Institute Singapore - Assessment Writing Service
How much cash was collected from customers : Their trade receivables balance was $3,999 million in 2022 and $3,633 million in 2021. How much cash was collected from customers
Explain the concepts of under-utilization of resources : Briefly explain the concepts of under-utilization of resources and economic growth with the help of PPF.
Describe the principal causes of high population growth : "The world population problem is not just a matter of expanding numbers but also one of rising affluence and limited resources. It is as much a problem caused b
What is the chance that an application leads : -You apply for 14 jobs. Each application has a 40% chance of leading to an interview. Every interview has a 60% chance of leading to a job offer. Hint: keep you


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