Reference no: EM132180474
Associated Community Health Center (ACHC), a family practice with 250 employees and nine locations servicing the suburbs of a large city, is facing a variety of HR issues. The HR manager conducted an HR audit to evaluate the problems and make recommendations for improvement. Her findings fell into four categories: Retention Issues—Focusing specifically on RN staffing, one of the most critical positions for ACHC, the current RN turn- over rate is 26 percent. The RN vacancy rate or the percentage of open positions for RNs is 20 percent. Staff Complaints—The HR manager, through staff interviews, learned that ACHC’s employees were concerned about a variety of issues, including late performance reviews, a lack of promotional opportunities, and poor communications between supervisors and staff. • Patient Concerns—The HR manager evaluated patient feedback forms to gain insight into the HR issues. From the patients’ feedback, a number of related HR issues were identified. These included: rude behavior on the part of patient schedulers, inattentiveness to patients by reception staff, and long patient waits without explanation. Clinical Incidents—In order to evaluate the effect of the HR issues on the quality of patient care being provided by the ACHC, the HR manger re- viewed data on clinical incidents. Two important categories of clinical incidents Questions dents were noted: 20 percent of X-rays taken had to be retaken due to poor quality. 15 percent of laboratory test results were lost or misfiled, requiring either retests or a delay in reporting. The HR manager was very concerned about the findings. However, she was confident that with effective HR programming, the issues detailed above could be addressed.
1. Which of ACHC’s issues could be improved through orientation, training, or staff development programming?
2. Based on your answer to Question 1, detail the types of activities that could be effective in dealing with the issues you identified.