Orientation responsibilities are normally share

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM13507170

1) Orientation responsibilities are normally share between :

a) The HR department and the new employee's immediate manager. b) mid- and upper level executives. C) the HR department and top management. d)coworkers and line managers.

2) Which of the lowing topics should be covered during an organizational orientation program >

a) Rules unique to the job b) Detailed explanation of the job c) Union contract provisions d) Removal of things from department

3) Which of the following is classified as a benefits topic for orientation ?

a) Exercise and recreation centers b) Counseling service c) Reimbursement of job expenses d) Labor costs

4) Discipline and reprimands would fall under orientation area of :

a) Employees and union relations. b) company overview. C) physical facilities. D) safety and accident prevention.

5) Orientations work best when presented:

a) In one long session as soon as the new employee joins the organization. b) after the employees has been on the job long enough to appreciate the sessions. C) in sessions of a couple of hours over several days. D) in sessions of a couple of hours at monthly intervals.

6) Ideally, the human resource department should conduct a scheduled follow-up after the employee has been on the job for:

a) a year b) a month c) six months d) a week.

7) Effective observations for determining training needs should be conducted by:

a) Fellow workers. B) the employee himself c) trained HR specialists d) Iine managers.

8) Which of the following is sometimes called cross training ?

a) Job enlargement b) Job rotation c) Classroom training d) Behavioral training

9) Management development should be designed, conducted, and evaluated on the basis of which of the following factors ?

a) Government rules and regulation b) The needs of the individual managers c) environmental changes d) Changes in the composition of the workforce

10) A management succession plan records the:

a) Salary structure b) the successfactors for each manager. c) potential successors for each manager. d) training required by each manager to be successful.

11) Which of the following is one of the methods used to determine management development needs ?

a) Task analysis b) Case study c) Focus group d) Skills evaluation

12) Which of the following statement is true about a t raining needs survey ?

a) It is expensive b) It is precise and specific c) It is easy to validate d) It has low visibility

13) Which of the following statement is true about a task analysis ?

a) It is characterized by a low involvement b) the tasks can be identified precisely c) It is subjective d) The relative importance of taks can be assessed easily.

14) isa management development method in which an individual, designed as the hair a job, learns the job from the present jobholder.

a) Business simulation b) in-basket technique c) incident method d) understudy assignment

15) Which of the following is true about career development versus career planning?

a) Career development in the process by which an individual formulates career goals and develops a plan for reaching those goals

b) Career development looks at careers the eyes of individual employees

c) Career development and career planning should reinforce each other

d) Career planning looks at individual careers from the viewpoint of the organization.

16) Which of the following is NOT a primary partner in successful career development ?

a) Immediate manager b) Employee c) Organization d) Board of directors

17) An individual's self-assessment should be :

a) Limited by current resources. b) focused on identifying personal strengths. c) limited by ability d) delayed indefinitely it time pressures of regular duties persist.

18) Which of the following is an appropriate managerial appraiser role concerning career development ?

a) Teaches specific job-related or technical skills.

b) Arranges for employees to participate in a high-visibility activity.

c) Reviews an established development plan on an ongoing basis.

d) Listens to and understands an employee's real concerns.

19) Which of the following is an appropriate managerial advocate role concerning career development ?

a) Shares knowledge about how to learn and work with others

b) Communicates the informal and formal realities of progression in the organization

c) Assists in linking employees with appropriate educational or employment opportunities.

d) Represents employee's concern to higher-level management for redress of specific issues.

20) Traditionally, what has been the most frequently used source of information that can be used for assessing employees ?

a) Performance appraisal process

b) Personnel records reflecting information such as previous work experience

c) Assessment centers

d) Personnel records revealing educational information

21) In most cases, it is preferable to have conduct career counseling.

a) The immediate manger

b) A human resource specialist

c) A trained psychologist

d) An outside consultant

22) An employee's lack of time or conflicting demands upon it, inadequate work facilities and equipment, restrictive policies that affect the job, lack of cooperation from others, type of supervision, temperature, lighting, noise, machine or equipment pacing, shifts, and even luck, are all examples of:

a) Task perceptions as they relate to performance

b) How the ability of the individual employee impacts performance

c) The impact of appraisal systems on employee performance

d) Environment al factors as performance obstacles.

23) Which method is more commonly reserved for appraisal of mangers/professionals ?

a) Management by objectives

b) Graphic rating scale

c) Critical-incident appraisal

d) Behaviorally anchored rating scale

24) Which of the following methods is also referred to as multi-rater assessment?

a) 360-degree feedback

b) Essay appraisal

c) Critical- incident appraisal

d) Behaviorally anchored rating scale

25) Which of the following is an advantage of the BARS method of performance appraisal?

a) They are developed through the active participation of both managers and job incumbents.

b) A major advantage of BARS included their simplicity and ease of development

c) As they are recorded over time, the incidents provide a basis for evaluating performance and providing feedback to the employees.

d) Similar types of forms are developed for different jobs.

26) Which of the following is an example of an intrinsic reward ?

a) Pay b) Fringe Benefits c) Physical work environment d) Job satisfaction

27) The traditional view of managers toward employee reward was that:

a) They could capably decide what rewards the workers need and want.

b) Only the workers could determine the value of the rewards.

c) Intrinsic rewards hold more value for workers.

d) All workers want equal distribution of any available reward

28) Rewards that are controlled and distributed directly by the organization and are of a tangible nature are known as reward.

a) Extrinsic b) implicit c) intrinsic d) explicit

29) In the context of organizational rewards, social relationships are an example of :

a) Intrinsic rewards b) rewards that are both extrinsic and intrinsic. C) extrinsic rewards d) rewards that are easily manipulated by the organization.

30) Paying for performance means :

a) Providing top wages to all employees b) basing compensation decisions on the quantity and quality of work performed. C) sharing profits with employees so that they share the fortunes of the company. D) paying all employees market wages.

31) Which of the following rewards is often provided but not related to performance ?

a) Bonus b) Merit raise c) Paid leave d) Incentive pay

32) In the bsence of strong evidence to the contrary, employees will naturally assume that a pay increase is a(n) :

a) Cost-of-living or seniority adjustment b) bonus adjustment . c) earned incentive adjustment. d) merit adjustment

33) An employee's general attitude toward the job is termed job :

a) Affinity b) specifications. C) satisfactions. D) perception.

34) A satisfied employee :

a) Is not necessarily motivated or productive b) is, by definition, a motivated employee. C) will necessarily outproduce a nonsatisfied employee.

D) does not respond or require motivation.

35) Ordinarily, the largest portion of an employee's total communication (according to time periods) consists of :

a) deferred bonuses. B) base wages or salary. C) benefit package.

D) incentive allocations.

36) Establishing pay ranges involves determining the relative worth of the different jobs to the organization, ensuring :

a) individual equity b) employee equity c) internal equity d) external equity.

37) Which of the following is true about the job ranking method ?

a) It is the simplest and most often used job evaluation technique

b) This method produces an ordering of jobs.

c) In this method, the evaluator ranks jobs from the most difficult to the simplest.

d) It indicates the relative degree of difference among the jobs

38) The method of determining job value is objective and quantitative.

a) ranking b) job classification c) point d) factor comparison.

39) Another name for degree statement is :

a) averaging statements. b ) standard declarations. c ) balancing remarks

d) profit statements

40) The factor comparison method of job evaluation concludes with ranking each compensable factor to a :

a) working condition b) key job c) monetary scale d) mental requirement

41) A major disadvantage of the point method of job evaluation is that:

a) it is relatively difficult to explain to employee

b) it is relatively time-consuming and costly to develop

c) job evaluations may abuse the systems

d) the method is highly subjective

42) Which of the following is an advantage of the point method of job evaluation ?

a) Because it can usually be done in hours, it is relatively inexpensive

b) it is usually easier to develop than the factor comparison method

c) The system is easy to keep current as job change.

d) it is tied to external market wage rates.

43) A good rule of thumb when doing a wage survey in conjunction with either the point or factor comparison method is that a minimum of percent of the jobs in an organization should be surveyed to make a fair evaluation of the organization's pay system.

a) 5 b) 50 c) 20 d) 30

44) The following guidelines should be followed when conducing wage and salary surveys EXCEPT :

a) assess the participating companies for comparability.

b) compare more than base wage or salary

c) ignore variations in job descriptions

d) correlate survey data with adjustment periods

45) Jobs that are grouped together in classes to make the wage structure simpler than it otherwise would be are called :

a) wage curves b) pay ranges c) pay grades d) green circles

46) An organization's compensation system should produce a base wage/salary structure that is :

a) regressively equitable b) externally equitable c) characterized by many "green circled jobs" d) characterized by many "red circled jobs"

47) Which of the following is the primary advantage of individual incentives as opposed to group or organizational incentives ?

a) Greater total reward is assured b) Works especially well for those involved in team projects c) Clear relationship perceived between actions and rewards d) No need for confidently

48) In a differential piece rate plan, the rate is raised :

a) after a given number of pieces have been produced

b) for each piece that exceeds standard quality

c) when specifications of pieces produces changes

d) for the top producer, who is paid a premium rate.

49) The incentive pay plan typically identified with many salespeople, which employees, at least party, on the basis of sales volume is termed a

a) commission b) piece work c) time saved d) unit

50) A major disadvantage of commission plans is :

a) the use of draws in conjunction with commissions

b) the weak linkage of performance to reward.

c) the inability to combine salary with commission

d) the effects of uncontrollable factors on sales

Question 1

Justify in detail the important of a human resource department.

Question 2

If you were asked to develop a training program for taxicab drivers, how you do it ? How would you evaluate the program ?

Question 3

As a human resource manager, how might you go about convincing top management that you should be heavily involved in the company's strategic planning process ? Stress the potential for bottom-up improvement brought about with the help of HRM in the various areas

Quests 4

Powermat, Inc., has encountered difficulty over the last few years in filling its middle management positions. The company, which manufactures and sells complex machinery, is organized into six semiautonomous manufacturing departments. Top management believes it is necessary for the managers of these departments to make many complex and technical decisions. Therefore, the company originally recruited strictly from within. However, it soon found that employees elevated to middle management often lacked the skills necessary to discharge their new duties.

A decision was then made to recruit from outside, particularly from colleges with good industrial management programs. Through the services of a professional recruiter, the company developed a pool of well-qualified industrial management graduates. Several were hired and placed in lower management positions as preparation for the middle management job. Within two years, all these people had left the company.

Management reverted to its former policy of promoting from within and experienced basically the same results as before. Face with the imminent retirement of employees in several key middle management positions, the company decided to call in a consultant for solutions.

1) Is recruiting the problem in this company ?

2) If you were the consultant, what would you recommend ?

Question 5

The first year training program for the professional staff members of a large national accounting firm consists of classroom seminars and on-the-job training. The objectives of the training are to ensure that new staff members learn fundamental auditing concepts and procedures and develop technical, analytical, and communication skills that, with further experience and training, will help them achieve their maximum potential with the organization.

Classroom training is used to introduce concepts and theories applicable to the work environment. It consists of three two-day and two three-day seminars presented at varying intervals during the staff member's first year. Although new staff members do receive this special training, actual work experience is the principal means by which they develop the many skills necessary to become good auditors.

Teams supervised by the senior member perform most of the firm's audits. This individual is responsible for conducting the review and producing the required reports. Normally teams are assembled on the basis of member availability. For this reason, a senior auditor may be assigned one or more first-year employees for a team that must undertake a complex assignment. Because senior auditors are measured on productivity, their attention is usually focused on the work being produced. Therefore, they assign routine tasks to new staff employees, with little or no thought to furthering the career development of these employees. Most senior auditors assume the next supervisor or the individuals themselves will take care of their traning and development needs.

Recently the firm has lost several capable first-year people. The reason most gave for leaving was that they were not learning or advancing in their profession,

1 ) What, if anything, do you think the company should do to keep its young employees ?

2 ) Do you think on-the-job training will work in a situation such as the one described ?

Questions 6

The performance of a bank branch manager is often difficult to measure. Evaluation can include such variables as loan quality, deposit growth, employee turnover, complaint levels, or audit results. However, many other factors that influence performance, such as the rate structure, changes in the market area served by the branch and loan policy as set by senior management, are beyond the branch manager's control. The appraisal system presently used by First Trust Bank is based on points. Points are factored in for a manager's potential productivity and for the actual quality and quantity of work. In this system, the vast majority of raises are between 4 and 10 percent of base salary.

Sales growth is a major responsibility of a branch manager. Although many salespeople are paid a salary plus bonuses and commissions, no commissions are paid on business brought in by a branch manager. Therefore, one problem for the bank has been adequately rewarding those branch managers who excel at sales.

In May 2009, First Trust Bank opened a new branch on Northside Parkway, located in high-income area. Three competing banks had been in the neighborhood for some 15 years. Jim Bryan, who had grown up in the Northside Parkway area, was selected as branch manager. In additional to Jim, the branch was staffed with five qualified people. Senior executives of the banks had disagreed about the feasibility of opening this branch. However, it was Jim's responsibility to get the bank a share of the market, which at that time consisted of approximately $56 million in deposits.

After one year of operation, this branch had the fastest growth of any ever opened by First Trust Bank. In 12 months, deposits grew to $18 million, commercial loans to 9 million, and installment loans to $2.5 million. As measured by Federal Reserve reports, the new branch captured 50 percent of the market growth in deposits over the 12 months. The customer service provided was extremely good, and branch goals for profit were reached ahead of schedule. Aware of the success, Jim looked forward to his next raise.

The raise amounted to 10 percent of his salary. His boss said he would have liked to have given Jim more but the system wouldn't allow it.

1) Should Jim have been satisfied with his raise since this was the maximum raise the system allowed ?

2) Do you think the bank currently offers adequate sales incentives to its branch managers ? If not, what would you recommend ?



Reference no: EM13507170

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