Organizing sports events - fundamentals of database systems

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Reference no: EM133302123

Fundamentals of Database Systems - Organizing Sports Events


It is for organizing a sports event where there will be an organized matches between the opponents, there will be a medical assistance is assured to players, staff, audience when required and there will betickets sold to the audience on the specific date and specific match they want to watch

In the Organizing sports event, which is well distributed with the twenty- two entity's which are mentioned below:
1. Events
2. Sports
3. Sports_resources
4. Game_type
5. Team
6. Players
7. Coach
8. Match
9. referee
10. Tickets
11. Audience
12. Food_and_beverages
13. Result
14. Winner
15. Runner_up
16. Medical
17. Audience_injury_records
18. Staff_injury_records
19. Players_injury_records
20. Team_manager
21. Alerts
22. Event_summary

All these entities are being interlinked with the relations and each entity were having their own set of attributes.
All in all, the entities, relations and attributes will together as an Entity- Relation Diagram.

• All the medical facilities are available throughout theevent.
• Alert precautions are well organized andmanaged.
• The events are well planned andarranged.
• Every single ticket can only access only one audience, food and beverage.

This includes, working system.

Database is loaded with data and UI to access and manage those data.

If you do not implement the UI, you must include SQL corresponding to the functionalities of the system.

For example, if the system has a feature search students, include the SQL that will be run to search through the database table to collect student information.

Attachment:- Organizing Sports Events.rar

Reference no: EM133302123

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