Organize the code for user readability

Assignment Help Visual Basic Programming
Reference no: EM13499778

Question 1:

Each assignment will be based on the following:

1. The program must compile, execute, produce correct results, and meet all of the specifications in the weekly lab.

2. Organize the code for user readability.

3. Organize the code for reusability.

4. Provide documentation with embedded comments for reader understanding.

5. Organize the code for efficiency.

This application displays the definitions of common Visual Basic terms. When the user chooses to view a definition, the term's definition is displayed.

From a window on the screen, the user makes a request to see one of three VB definitions.

1. The user first views a screen that displays three VB terms.

2. An image of a computer is displayed at the top of the window throughout the running of the application.

3. The user can select any of the three terms displayed on the buttons, and the definition appears after each selection is made.

4. The user can click any of the term buttons and the definition will appear. Any previous definitions will disappear.

5. An exit button is available at all times, allowing the user to end the application.

Only one definition should be displayed at a time, so if a user selects a second term, the second definition only should be displayed.

1. The computer picture shown in the window can be found on ch3Amages.

This application displays the definitions of common Visual Basic terms. When the user chooses to view the definition, the term's definition is displayed.

Question 2:

1. The user first views a screen that displays three 'LB terms.

2. An image of a computer is displayed at the top of the window throughout the running of the application.

3. The user can select any of the three terms displayed on the buttons, and the definition appears after each selection is made.

4. The user can click any of the terminology buttons and the definition will appear. Any previous definitions will disappear.

5. An exit button is available at all times allowing the user to end the application.

Only one definition should be displayed at a time, so if a user selects a second term, the second definition only should be displayed.

The Weekly Pay Calculator Windows application computes the weekly pay for an hourly employee.

Question 3:

1. The user first views a screen that displays three 'LB terms.

2. An image of a computer is displayed at the top of the window throughout the running of the application.

3. The user can select any of the three terms displayed on the buttons, and the definition appears after each selection is made.

4. The user can click any of the terminology buttons and the definition will appear. Any previous definitions will disappear.

5. An exit button is available at all times allowing the user to end the application.

Only one definition should be displayed at a time, so if a user selects a second term, the second definition only should be displayed.

Reference no: EM13499778

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