Organizations that contribute to the labor relations

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM13307754

This assignment should help you learn more about some of the prominent organizations that contribute to the labor relations field. Instructions: You've recently taken a new HR position which includes managing labor relations in your company. It is currently unionized and expects to do a major contract negotiation in the next year.

You don't have a strong background in this aspect of the HR field, so your boss has budgeted funds for you to increase your own expertise.

Given the following, please explain how you would spend the professional development money.(The money must be allocated for you, not anyone else in the department.) --Timeframe: The fiscal year begins July 1, 2014 and ends June 30, 2015. --Budget: $4000. Costs should be anything needed to purchase the development (i.e., membership), except travel costs. (We'll assume that travel money comes from another budget, so you don't have to account for those here.

Possible Sources :;; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;

Other sources: It is fine to include other sources if you find something appropriate elsewhere.

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Reference no: EM13307754

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Organizations that contribute to the labor relations : Prominent organizations that contribute to the labor relations - aspect of the HR field, so your boss has budgeted funds for you to increase your own expertise.
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