Organizational development process

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133109246

Organizational development process

At the Industrial Park company, industrial engineer Allan Fuentes was assigned to the electronic assembly department in order to improve some methods since the company was operating with 15% less profit in that area. As soon as Allan evaluated the assembly operation he realized that with one device they could cut 40% off their current workforce and recover the profit margin they were currently losing. Allan took the time to analyze the situation and concluded that it was best to raise it with the director of engineers. At the meeting, Allan presented the director with the analyzes he had done and showed him the device he had designed. His boss, very pleased with him, gave him permission to try it. The next day, Allan went to the assembly line and asked Raúl, the operator, to test the device. At the end of the day, Raúl's production exceeded the normal production average by 40%. Allan presented the results to his boss, who told him to test the device on another employee. The next day Allan selected María for the test, but Raúl had already explained to the employee that in her test with the device, her production had increased by 40% and that perhaps they were doing this to fire them. María worried about her partner's approach, she began to use the device, but uncomfortable with the situation. At the end of the day his production showed only a 5% increase over normal production.


1.What were the causes of the problem.

2. What activities does the administration have to carry out to support the change that occurs in this case with the device? Among the activities you can consider the use of groups, participation, rewards, communication, the health and safety of employees, etc.

3.What is the main problem?

4. What is the importance of diagnosis and its relationship with organizational development in the context of the case studied?

Reference no: EM133109246

Questions Cloud

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Innovation lead to growth opportunities for organization : How can innovation lead to growth opportunities for an organization? How can innovation and innovation strategy create impact for an organization?


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