Reference no: EM133502510
Translate this sentences to Malay by using (Nida and Taber 1969 ) translation process.
When organizational cultures communicate political performances, they are exercising power or control. Acquiring and maintaining power and control is a hallmark of U.S. corporate life. In fact, some might argue that power and control pervade organizational life. Nonetheless, because by their nature most organizations are hierarchical, there must be someone with the power to accomplish things and with enough control to maintain the bottom line.
The fifth type of performance identified by Pacanowsky and O'Donnell-Trujillo is termed enculturation performance. Enculturation performances refer to how members obtain the knowledge and skills in order to become contributing members of the organization. These performances may be bold or subtle, and they demonstrate a member's competency within an organization.
For example, a number or performances will be enacted to enculturate Amelia into her new position. She will watch and listen to her colleagues "perform" their thoughts and feelings on a number of issues: work hours, employee discounts, and the company newsletter, among others. In sum, Amelia will begin to know the organization's culture.
As we mentioned previously, these performances may overlap. It is possible, therefore, to have social performances considered ritual performances. Think about, for instance, greeting one co-worker with "Good morning" or fetching coffee for another each day. In this example, the acts of politeness are considered to be a personal (and even task) ritual. Therefore, the performance may be both a social and a ritual performance.