Organizational culture

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133358


(a) Give a description of the term organisational behaviour.

(b) Talk about how an understanding of organizational behavior is useful in a work setting.

(c) Confer how the Hawthorne experiment has influenced the discipline of organizational behavior


Give explanation the concept of the Johari window and demonstrate with a diagram how it can improve relationships between people in organisations.


(a) ‘Personality is largely inherited and resistant to change' expose this statement.

(b) Portray the Big 5 Model of Personality.

(c) What is perception and what are the biases and problems related with perception?


"Managers should be bright to master political tactics and strategies to optimize the unbeaten running of the organization".

(a) Comment on this statement and describe how you would use Pfeffer's political tactics to meet this end.

(b) Make a distinction between formal and informal power and describe sources for both.

(c) Depict the main levels of political actions in an organisation? What are the organisational factors contributing to political behaviour?


(a) Elucidate the meaning and concept of organizational culture.

(b) Explain the ways by which employees can be integrated with the culture of the organisation.

Reference no: EM133358

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