Organizational and hr theories should follow the contingency

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Reference no: EM133254894

After going through this module on organizational and HR learning, a mining company executive argues that this perspective is relevant to software and other knowledge businesses, but it ignores the fact that mining companies cannot rely on knowledge alone to stay in business. They also need physical capital (such as extracting and ore-processing equipment) and land (where the minerals are located). In fact, these two may be more important than what employees carry around in their heads. Evaluate the mining executive's comments.

"Organizational and HR theories should follow the contingency approach." Comment on the accuracy of this statement.

APA writing conventions should be followed with a minimum of two (2) sources referenced (in the end of your answer) and cited (as appropriate within your answer). response should be a thoughtful, objective academic analysis of the OBHR concepts being learned in the course

Reference no: EM133254894

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