Reference no: EM133672915
Using a previous work experience of one of the team members, identify the organization for which you are studying. Once identified, complete the assignment below. If no one in your group has previous work experience, advise the instructor to be assigned an organization.
Business Process
Identify five separate processes from various departments (Marketing, Engineering, Quality Assurance, Manufacturing, Operations, etc.). For each identified process, complete the questions below.
1. Write a word description of the method. Specify the process goals, steps, data items, and each player. The reader should understand all of the different players and steps/activities involved in the process.
2. Identify and explain at least three issues with the process.
3. Explain what role the process has on the organization's operational efficiency.
Diagramming The Process
For each identified process, you must use a diagramming tool; you must model all of the steps of the existing process. Include the PNG in your Word document in the body. The diagram should include swim lanes, a minimum of three actors, and at least three decision gateways.
Metrics and Measurements
For each identified process, identify and discuss at least three metrics/KPIs that could be used that would measure the impact of the current process on the college's operational efficiency.
Process Improvements
For each identified process, complete the following tasks.
1. Discuss any changes that should or could be initiated to make the process more efficient.
2. Explain how information systems could support those changes.
3. Identify and discuss at least three metrics/KPIs that could be used that would measure the impact of the current process on the college's operational efficiency.