Reference no: EM133326362
1. Gender socialization is
a. when men and women are socialized to act in certain "masculine" ways.
b. when men are socialized to act in certain "feminine" ways.
c. when men and women are socialized to act in certain "feminine" ways.
d. when men are socialized to act in certain "masculine" ways, while women are taught to act in certain "feminine" ways.
2. A peer group is a group of people who are
a. are between the age of 40 and 50.
b. inked by factors such as age and social position, as well as people linked by common interests such as similar hobbies.
c. have no similarities.
d. have little similarities.
3. For feminist sociologists, socialization is all about the structures of patriarchy that they argue shape the values and norms of our culture at a fundamental level.
4. Organic solidarity
a. happens when people are free to join other social groups.
b. is characteristic of societies where people dont rely on each other to meet the needs of survival.
c. s characteristic of societies with no division of labour and group interdependence.
d. is a characteristic of societies with a large division of labour and group interdependence in which individuals must relay on each other to meet the needs of survival.
5. Feminists align closely with the conflict theorists.
6. Stratification system is
a. a system that ensures equality for all.
b. a governmental system.
c. a system of inequality that integrates class, status, and domination with other forms of differentiation, such as gender, race, ethnicity, ability, religion, and sexual orientation.
d. a system of inequality only based on ethnicity.
7. Socio-economic status is
a. a statistical method.
b. is a method of ranking people that combines measures of wealth, authority, and prestige.
c. a method that ranks people base on wealth alone.
d. a method that does not rank people that combines measures of wealth, authority (or power), and prestige.
8. In Marx's theory, proletariat is
a. the one who holds production power.
b. the working class who must sell their labour for wages.
c. the one who own some of the means of production.
d. the one who own most of the means of production.
9. Which one of the following terms is used to describe a small group that has power or influence over others and is regarded as being superior in some way?
a. capitalist
b. bourgeoisie
c. working class
d. elite
10. A hierarchy of groups separated from each other by rules of ritual purity and prevented from intermarrying, changing status through social mobility, or carrying out particular jobs is termed as
a. social hierarchy.
b. social organization.
c. class system.
d. caste system.