Ordering practices of customers at starbucks

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Reference no: EM133604483

Think about how we watch other people. It may be at a restaurant, at work, at the mall, or sitting in your car at stoplight. Not only do we watch what people do, we evaluate their behavior, analyze what they do, and then we make judgments based on what we see. We form conclusions about people in general from the actions of others.

You should think about a specific type of interaction that would like to observe (e.g. ordering practices of customers at Starbucks, responses of employees to customers, interactions of parents with children, etc) and then write about. The topic can be ANYTHING you would like and does not have to relate to criminal justice. Having a specific focus will make your write up much easier, rather than broadly examining human interactions in general.

Just remember, you should only be observing, not interacting!

Think of a question that you could address from your observation. For example, do men take longer to order food than women? How much time do people spend actually working at work? How do people act in the waiting room at the dentist? Do elderly shoppers buy different food at the grocery than younger shoppers? How long do people take to decide where to sit in the movie theater?

Complete the observations: Observations should be at least 2 hours: 1 hour on two separate occasions or 2 hours on one occasion.

Write up a summary of your observation that includes the following:

1. Introduction:

a. What/who you observed

b. Where you conducted your observations

c. How long you conducted your observations, etc.

d. Why you selected this place/time

2. Your questions and findings:

a. What question could you address from your observation?

b. Did you notice any patterns in behaviors?

c. Any "outliers"?

3. Conclusions:

a. Why do you think people acted the way they did?

b. Can we apply these conclusions more broadly?

c. What issues do you think need to be studied further?

d. What problems were you confronted with in collecting your data?

e. Refer to Chapter 16 of the Textbook to discuss any potential ethical issues that may be related to your observations/theories.

Reference no: EM133604483

Questions Cloud

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