Optimum combination from the consumer behaviortheory

Assignment Help Microeconomics
Reference no: EM133313889

Be sure to watch the recording related to this topic. Share your thoughts on the following questions. Assignment No. 1 Final Term Basic Microeconomics.

1. What happens if your allowance increases from P 150.00 / day to P 250.00 lday. Would you change your taste and preference, or would you stick with your old consumption patterns?

2. Why do some people buy expensive branded things even if they cannot afford them?

3. Can we apply the law of diminishing marginal utility to money? Explain your answer.

4. Explain the optimum combination from the Consumer's behaviortheory.

Reference no: EM133313889

Questions Cloud

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Optimum combination from the consumer behaviortheory : Why do some people buy expensive branded things even if they cannot afford them? Explain the optimum combination from the Consumer's behaviortheory.
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Houston and enjoys drinking lattes and eating scones : Caroline lives in Houston and enjoys drinking lattes and eating scones. The price of a latte is held constant at $2 throughout this problem.


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