Optimal solution of cpu scheduling process

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Reference no: EM131030884 , Length:


Solving Operating System Process Scheduling by Genetic Algorithm Technique

Abstract - The scheduling of operating system process is considered as a hard problem. In this paper, the Genetic Algorithm technique can implement the powerful and efficient scheduling process in the operating system. Accordingly. Genetic Algorithm improves the performance and throughput of the whole system. The results are shown that the Genetic Algorithm is always gives the optimal solution of CPU scheduling process. As a result. Genetic Algorithms plays a critical role in achieving the best short time of CPU.

Offspring chromosomes to result a more optimal solution in the search range. Experientially, crossover rates can be in the range of 60-80% to satisfy the best solutions. Also, the mutation rates can be in the range of 1-10% produce good results [6]. Figure 1 illustrates GA flowchart and its significant parameters.

I attached 4 pages and I need someone just rewrite them in IEEE Format including the tables, equations and algorithms. So, do not worry about the "two statistics chart and graph" in the right of page 3. I will take care of them. make sure that page 3 and 4 in the same file.

I do not need to add any information. What I need only Rewrite them in IEEE format as they are.

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Reference no: EM131030884

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