Oppositional defiant disorder

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Reference no: EM133587483


1. Which of the following is true in regards to oppositional defiant disorder?

a. Setting fires, vandalism, cruelty to animals, and criminal behavior are characteristics of ODD

b. Pharmacological treatment is the mainstay of ODD treatment

c. ODD is more prevalent in adolescent girls than in boys

d. No medication is FDA approved for ODD

2. A nurse practitioner finds multiple bruises along a 3-year old child's upper arms and back. The mother reports that the patient is very active and falls frequently. Per the mother's report, the child stays with her boyfriend when she works. The child's hair is unkept, their clothing appears to be dirty and too small, and they are not dressed appropriately for the cold weather. What is the most important course of action for the NP, who suspects there is abuse and neglect?

a. The NP should ask the child outside of the mothers presence about the bruises

b. The NP should call child protective services

c. The NP should schedule a family meeting with all members of the household

d. The NP should call the ethics committee

3. A mother is watching her 18 month old child and watches him try to get the cord they have deemed off limits. The child will reach and the mother will redirect her hand, tell her it's dangerous, and move the child away. The child returns to the cord and the mother completes the same stepsover again. This goes on three more times until the mother removes the lampthe cord was attached to. Using Freud's Psychosexual stagesof Developmentwhich psychic is motivating this child's behavior?

a. The Id

b. The ego

c. The superego

d. The id and the ego

4. A mother is complaining about her 8 year old child talking in baby voice at times. The PMHNP learns that there was recently a new addition to the family. The 8 year old talks in a baby voice only when her mother is breastfeeding the infant. What defense mechanism is the 8 year old using?

a. Denial

b. Projection

c. Regression

d. Repression

5. Marrissa is in 2nd grade, and today in school they were learning about water's ability to turn from ice into water and water into ice. She also understands that no matter the shape clat takes, it is still clay. Which of Jean Piaget's four stages of cognitive development are these concepts normally achieved in?

a. Sensorimotor

b. Preoperational

c. Concrete operations

d. Formal operations

6. Children with anxiety disorders may have certain developmental considerations that are unique to their disorder. Which of the following is a concern for children with anxiety disorder?

a. Excessive separation anxiety develops in 30% of children

b. Children with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) recognize their compulsions or obsessions as abnormal or unreasonable

c. Children with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) describe more worries or fears than somatic complaints.

d. Children with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may have generalized nightmares of monsters, rescues, and threats raher than recurring dreams of traumatic events.

7. Conduct disorder is a serious behavioral and emotional disorder that can occur in children and teens. Which of the following behaviors most strongly indicate conduct disorder in a child?

a. Chronic arguing with parents

b. Disrespecting teachers, parents, and police

c. Killing neighborhood cats

d. Teasing/bullying classmates

8. A 3.5 year old is referred for evaluation by their parents, who are concerned about a delay in spoken language and lack of attempts to communicate through other means, such as pointing. Initially, the parents were concerned that the child might be deaf because they respond inconsistently and their language is limited. However, a hearing test revealed no deficits. To be diagnosed with autismspectrum disorder, the child must have disturbances in which of the following domains?

a. Social relatedness and communication only

b. Communication only

c. Social relatedness, communication, and hyper-or-hypo-reactivity to sensory input

d. Social relatedness, communication, and restricted interests and activities

9. A mother brings her 3.5 year old child for evaluationdue to concerns about developmental delay. When reviewing developmental milestones, she states that he started crawling at 8 months and walking at 12 months. The child started saying single words at 24 months and recently putting 2-3 words together. What assessment should be completed initially to evaluate this child?

a. Complete blood count

b. Chromosomal microarray

c. Chemistry panel

d. Hearing test

10. A 5 year old child recently moved into their adoptive family's home. They were removed from their biological family's home at age 4 due to neglect from birth to 3 years. During these 3 years, the child was left in a crib in a dark room for much of the day, had minimal interactions with others, and often went without food. Since the removal, they have been placed in three different foster homes prior to entering this adoptive family's home. The child's adoptive family is concerned, as the child will run up to strangers and hug them, will walk away from them when out in public without looking back, and will wander off with the postal worker. According to the DSM-5-TR, what is the most appropriate diagnosis?

a. Posttraumatic stress disorder

b. Reactive attachment disorder, disinhibited type

c. Disinhibited social engagement disorder

d. Reactive attachment disorder, inhibited type.

Reference no: EM133587483

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