OPMT 1175 - Warehouse Management Assignment

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM132503506

OPMT 1175 - Warehouse Management Assignment - British Columbia Institute of Technology, Canada

Question 1 - Amazon has an SKU costing $10 and is normally ordered in quantities of 800 units. The annual demand is 6,000 units, carrying cost is 20%, and the cost of placing an order is $100. Calculate the following for order quantities of 800 and 1,500 units.

A. Average inventory

B. # of orders placed per year

C. Annual inventory carrying cost

D. Annual ordering cost

E. Total Annual cost

Question 2 - Benny, the owner of Benny's warehouse, decides to establish an EOQ for an item. The annual demand is 400,000 units, each costing $8, ordering costs are $32 per order, and inventory-carrying costs are 20%. Calculate the following.

Show your calculations and formula in white space below. Record your answers in the table.

A. The EOQ in units

B. # of orders placed per year

C. Annual inventory carrying cost

D. Annual ordering cost

E. Total Annual cost

Question 3 - View the video, discover the features and capabilities then briefly summarizes what the software does and how it helps the company.

Question 4 - Case Study - Selecting a location using the factor-rating method.

Based on your calculations, the optimal site is: (show all work).

Now, If all things stayed the same except - you changed the weight of Transportation availability from 15% to 5% and Facilities cost from 15% to 25%. What are the new weighted scores?

Based on your new calculations, what is the optimal site: (show all work).

Attachment:- Warehouse Management Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM132503506

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4/30/2020 4:13:32 AM

Hi, It's a warehouse management assignment-1 , there are 4 questions to solve and all 4 questions are problematic like( calculations & formula) I'm attaching files please check each and everything read carefully and let me know the price and should be 5,6 pages. NOTE: You will lose marks if you don't show calculations.

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