Opinion about eating toasted ants

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Reference no: EM13189809

Before starting your Individual Work assignment, read "You Are What You Eat? An Exploration in Cultural Relativity" (p.39) in Essentials of Sociology as background information.

What is your opinion about eating toasted ants, about eating fried frog legs, about eating puppies and kittens? About eating raw monkey brains? If you were reared in U.S. society, more than likely you think eating frog legs is okay; eating ants is disgusting, and eating dogs, cats, and monkey brains is downright repugnant. How would you apply the concepts of ethnocentrism and cultural relativism to your perception of these customs? 

Using your textbook and additional resources, write a two - three page paper addressing the issues of cultural diversity and diet. Be certain to use all three major sociological theories - functionalism, conflict theory, and interactionism - in your analysis as well as the terms ethnocentrism and cultural relativism.

Reference no: EM13189809

Questions Cloud

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Opinion about eating toasted ants : What is your opinion about eating toasted ants, about eating fried frog legs, about eating puppies and kittens? About eating raw monkey brains? If you were reared in U.S. society, more than likely you think eating frog legs is okay; eating ants is di..
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