Operations strategy under many different conditions

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM133317008


1. Now that you have studied Operations Strategy under many different conditions and circumstances, what do you believe to be your most important takeaway from the class?

2. Why did you choose this one?

3. How will you encompass this new learning into your next working/educational endeavor that comes across your path?

4. If you could, what changes to the course would you make for the next group of students?

Reference no: EM133317008

Questions Cloud

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How would a collectivist vs. individualist culture respond : How/why do increased and more varied roles outside the parenting role decrease the effects of "launching" and empty nest syndrome?
Operations strategy under many different conditions : Now that you have studied Operations Strategy under many different conditions and circumstances,
Current issue related to education : Discussion Select a current issue related to education that would you like to research. Refer to your previous research at the U.S. Department of Education
Describe one competency you believe tyler needs to develop : Assess Tyler's effectiveness in relation to his ability to lead a diverse and virtual workforce.Describe one competency you believe Tyler needs to develop
Personality motivation and emotional intelligence : Discuss this statement in light of your understanding of personality motivation and emotional intelligence.
Governmental industrial hygienists : The assumption made by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) is that the threshold limit value


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