Operational model of computer security

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM13926872

1. In the Operational Model of Computer Security, which of the following is true?

a. Protection = Prevention + (Detection + Response)
b. Protection = Response + (Detection + Prevention)
c. Response = Protection + (Detection + Prevention)
d. Prevention = Response + (Detection + Protection)

2. Which of the following is true when your boss asks you to make sure the company's website is available 24x7x365?

a. Integrity
b. Authentication
c. Confidentiality
d. Assurance

3. Updating antivirus definition file on a server is best described as?

a. Network Security
b. Host Security
c. Physical Security
d. Social Engineering Security

4. Which of the following would be best described as Network Security?

a. Updating a router's firmware to patch the vulnerability
b. Run Windows Update on a user's workstation
c. Make sure a server cannot use USB drive
d. Having a firewall deploy on every departments

5. Most of today's firewalls are executing rules base on which of the following:

a. Implicit deny
b. Implicit allow
c. Explicit deny
d. Explicit allow

6. Which of the following would be one reasons to execute job rotation:

a. In case one person cannot come to work because of a long term disability.
b. To encourage the company to hire more employees
c. To encourage the company to let go more employees
d. In case one person cannot come to work because a cold.

7. What is the general purpose of a DMZ?

a. To prevent the Internet users have a direct access to the internal servers
b. To prevent internal employees to access Facebook
c. To prevent the Internet users have a direct access to cloud service servers (i.e., salesforce.com)
d. To prevent internal employees to send email via Internet mail (i.e., Yahoo mail)

8. To use username and password to gain an access to a website is:

a. Authentication
b. Integrity
c. Assurance
d. Nonrepudiation

9. To make sure the file has not been modify by anyone:

a. Authentication
b. Integrity
c. Assurance
d. Nonrepudiation

10. To provide an evidence to prove one is indeed sign the document electronically:

a. Authentication
b. Integrity
c. Assurance
d. Nonrepudiation

Reference no: EM13926872

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