Operational aspects of financial institutions

Assignment Help Financial Econometrics
Reference no: EM131658068

Take the following 8 points into accounts while doing the answering :-

1) Financial risk management and the Basel Accords ,

2) Required rates of return post-financial crisis ,

3) Systemic risk ,

4)The liquidity crisis and its impact on the banking industry ,

5)Financial regulation and an overview of the Basel accords ,

6) The investment environment, risk, and return

7) The financial system and the Global Financial Crisis

8) Valuing bonds in the post-Global Financial Crisis



There are a number of areas relating to risk and risk management and ways to look at the operational aspects of financial institutions and both are set against a background of minimising risk through regulation. There is a potential conflict between these two areas. Regulation is aimed at reducing systemic risk but financial institutions, especially banks, take risks every time they lend money. Since the recent global financial crisis, banks in many countries have been criticised for not lending enough to small and medium sized businesses, especially in times of recession when they need funds the most, as regulators and regulations force the banks to focus on quality within their lending operations. This is referred to as the counter cyclical argument.

Banks are effectively firms and their primary objective is maximising shareholder wealth through profit maximisation. However, regulators impose strict operating restrictions on banks as their objective is to control the bank's liquidity and solvency in an attempt to minimise systemic risk especially in the post crisis era.


Critically review how the tensions between these two objectives can be resolved showing how banks can attempt to maximise their profits whilst operating under these regulatory constraints. Take into account the 8 points mentioned in the beginning of the page. Also please make use of the information mentioned in "

"Global Financial Systems 1st edition Jon Danielsson

Originalmaterials from Global Financial Systems copyright 2013 Pearson.''

Your conclusions should be based on evidence you have reviewed and you may draw upon relevant theories and ideas and where appropriate use analysis, arguments and justification by using examples and illustrations.

In answering this question, you should not only refer to material you have in Themes 3 and 4 in the study materials but you should also look at additional journal articles, trade association publications, and annual reports, showing us that you can conduct relevant and independent research. An in-depth knowledge of Basle 3 is not expected but you might want to refer to it in your answer.

Key descriptors:

Critical evaluation - here you must provide your verdict on the issues and draw conclusions as to what extent a statement or findings within a piece of research are true, or to what extent you agree with them. You must provide evidence from a number of sources which both agree and disagree with the argument presented. You are also required to produce a final conclusion based on your decision on what you think to be the important factors and then justifying how you have made your choice.

Review - this involves you thoroughly looking into a subject. There should be a critical assessment and not just a descriptive review.

Analyse - break an issue into constituent parts and fully discuss these parts.

No appendices (other than the list of references) are allowed.

- Figures, diagrams, tables will count as part of your word count

- At the end of your response you should state your word count, excluding your list of references.

The maximum word limit for this coursework assignment is 4,000 words (excluding the list of references).

Verified Expert

It is a critical analysis of how banks can increase profitability in the current regulatory scenario, that is extremely urgent. It touches 2008 financial crisis, Basel Accords, systematic risk posed by large banks, the impact of liquidity crunch on banks, financial regulation of banks, and ways in which banks can increase their profitability in the current scenario.

Reference no: EM131658068

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12/27/2017 5:18:59 AM

Thank you so much for the clarification. I agree with your points. Thanks for making me correct. I am going to submit this solution now. Everything seems fine, so hoping for the best to get the good marks in it. thanks once more.


12/27/2017 5:17:09 AM

3. For the two paragraphs marked in color green on page 10 and page 13- If you read the paragraph on page 10 and page 13 you can see that the one on page 10 talks about multinational banks lending to projects in developing countries.........But the one on page 13 talks about raising capital from foreign countries, lending to projects in developing countries, and credit appraisal before lending. 4. For the two paragraphs marked in pale orange color on page 11 - The first paragraph talks of raising capital through "shares" or "equity"..........The second paragraph talks of raising capital through "bond" or "debt".


12/27/2017 5:17:01 AM

For the two paragraphs marked in purple color on page 2 and page 9 - the paragraph on page 9 talks of risk weighted assets and all the three Basel norms........the paragraph on page 2 that you have marked with same color talks only about Tier 1 and Tier 2 ratio under Basel III.....It does not talk about risk weighted assets or Basel I and II 2. For the two paragraphs marked in red on page 3 and page 13 - The paragraph on page 13 is the conclusion section that restates the key points made in the rest of the paper.....You can see that this paragraph paraphrases and enhances on the meaning of the paragraph you have marked with the same color on page 3.....The one on 13 comments on the link between efficient and effective risk management and profitability.....The one on page 3 does not comment on this link...


12/27/2017 5:15:56 AM

Can you deliver the solution by Thursday 28th or Friday 29th? Payment of has been made. Please confirm receipt of the same. Payment Success Notification Your payment request has been proceed successfully!!! Thank you, i will await for the solution. Please ensure quality, original work, and referencing, and word limit, and Turnitin report too. please use the facts from Global Financial Systems written by Jon Danielsson Kindly do the needful and use the articles and research etc of Jon Danielsson along with other scholars. I used diffrent colors to highlight the same data, for example if two paragraghs are similar i use yellow to highlight both , two blue paragraphs means those two blues are the same. Two greens mean one green highlight is similar to the another green one.


9/26/2017 1:26:38 AM

Review – this involves you thoroughly looking into a subject. There should be a critical assessment and not just a descriptive review. Analyse – break an issue into constituent parts and fully discuss these parts. No appendices (other than the list of references) are allowed. • Figures, diagrams, tables will count as part of your word count • At the end of your response you should state your word count, excluding your list of references. The maximum word limit for this coursework assignment is 4,000 words (excluding the list of references).


9/26/2017 1:26:14 AM

This assignment is in continuation to an earlier assignment - Assignment Strictly not more than 4k words (excluding referencing) - You must ensure that you cite references consistently. Harvard referencing system is preferred - Demonstration of Master''s level of thoughtfulness - Original work, and Turnitin report is required.

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