Reference no: EM132980354
Question 1
Let G = Z x {±1 }. Let : G X G → G be the binary operation defined by
(x1, y2) . (x2, Y2) = (x1 + x2y1, Y1 Y2)
for all (x1 , y1 ), (x2, y2) ∈ G.
1. Prove that (G, .) is a group.
2. The subset H = {0} X (±1 ) of G is a subgroup of G. Prove that H is not a normal subgroup of G.
3. Is G isomorphic to the direct product group Z x (±1)?
4. Let N = Z X (1) . Prove that N is a normal subgroup of G and give an isomorphism from G/N to a familiar group that is not a quotient group.
Question 2
1. Is the permutation

in S9, a product of 3-cycles?
2. Let α, β ∈ S8 be the permutations α = (3, 2, 1, 7)(5, 6)(3, 6, 4, 8)(3, 8) ∈ S8 and β = (1, 2)(3, 4)(5, 6)(7, 8). Is α10 conjugate to β in S8? if the answer is yes, give a permutation σ ∈ S8 such that σα10σ-1 = If the answer is no, prove it.
Question 3
Let G be a group of order 20. Let H be a group of order 24. Prove that if Φ: G → H is a homomorphism, then 5 || ker Φ| and |H|
Question 4
Recall that Z[x] denotes the set of polynomials in the variable x with integer coefficients. Let
L= ( f ∈ Z[x] : deg(f) ≤ 2).
Note that L is a free abelian group with respect to the operation of polynomial addition.
1. Consider the subset N of L consisting of all polynomials in L that have even coefficients and vanish at x = 1. Prove that N is a subgroup of L, explain why N is a free abelian group, and determine the rank of N.
2. Prove that L/N = Z x Z/2 Z x Z/2Z.
Question 5
1. Let G be a group of order 140 = 22 . 5 . 7. Use Sylow's theorems to prove that G has normal subgroup of order 5 and a normal subgroup of order 7.
2. Let n be a positive integer that is not divisible by 3 and let G be a group of order 3n. For that if x, y ∈ G are elements of order 3, then y is conjugate to either x or x-1.