Reference no: EM132455294
The essay should have the following elements:
- an engaging introductory paragraph. You might even want to cite sources in the opening paragraph to make your opening engaging to the reader.
- an effective and clear thesis statement
- a statement of definitions and background on the topic on which you are writing.
- You will want to define any terms necessary for the reader.
- You may want to provide a historical background on your topic.
- unified, supported, and coherent body paragraphs that defend the thesis
- sources cited throughout the body paragraphs that support the arguments in the paper
- an effective conclusion
- a "references" page that lists the sources cited. The references should be listed in APA format.
The sources and citation format for this essay.
You are required to use at least six sources for this essay.
At least four sources must be acquired through the databases subscribed to by UMUC's Information and Library Services. In addition, at least three sources are to come from scholarly journals.
Keep in mind that if the sources are scholarly, the argument you make in the paper will be more persuasive. For this reason, feel free to use all scholarly sources if you can.
In addition, please feel free to cite more than six sources. You may find that seven or eight sources (or more) are necessary to establish your argument and defend your thesis. Please do not feel limited to using only six sources. Use more if you would like to or need to.
Please cite your sources and list them at the end of your paper using APA format.
Persuasive or Expository:
This essay can be a persuasive essay, in which you try to persuade the reader of a particular position. Or it can be an expository essaythat synthesizes material, an essay in which you give information to the reader and synthesize the different viewpoints on an issue. The following examples help illustrate these two approaches.
For example, if you were to write on the effects of video games on students' learning abilities, the following would be options:
You could write a persuasive essay in which you take the position that video games should be integrated into school science curricula to teach middle school students. You would cite articles that demonstrate research studies and other pieces of evidence to support the claim that video games can enhance instruction in science classes and will help middle school students learn science more effectively.
If you write a persuasive essay, please follow one of the following three options for organization:
- Classical (deductive) approach
- Inductive approach
- Refutation approach
More information on these three styles is given in the following video tutorial:
You could write an expository essay that synthesizes information on this topic, one that summarizes and analyzes the impacts of video games on learning.
Length: 1500-2000 words