Opening a luxury assisted living center in the foothills

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM1328547

Opening a luxury assisted living center in the foothills.

1) What is a target market?

2) What is the target market of the product or service selected?

3) What is the importance of selecting a target market?

4) What issues and questions should be considered when selecting and managing a target market?

5) What is a brand?

6) Why is branding important?

7) After selecting a current, common health care brand, address the following:

a) What images or thoughts do you relate to that brand?

b) Does the branding appeal to the market? Do those images influence the consumers' decision to buy or use that brand?

c) Is the product successful?

d) What is the profitability of the product and what is the affect on the bottom line?

e) If this were your product or service, what would you do differently?

Reference no: EM1328547

Questions Cloud

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Opening a luxury assisted living center in the foothills : Opening a luxury assisted living center in the foothills
Explain about operations management supply chain : Operations management supply chain - Identify your product's supply chain and determine how you will measure the performance of the supply chain.
How to design the network : Pat's Engineering Works is a small company that specializes in complex engineering consulting projects. The projects typically involve one or two engineers who do data intensive analyses for companies.
Explain ease of navigation for websites : Explain Ease of Navigation for Websites and Describe the look and feel of the Target web site
Why companies use acquisitions : Why do some companies use acquisitions to achieve strategic competitiveness?


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