Ontario government broader public purchasing process

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133357030

Purchasing Styles, there are 2 very distinct purchasing styles today. One is Public Sector Government based known as the Broader Public Purchasing System and the other Private-Corporate Shareholder based Purchasing system.

Question1 You were exposed to the Ontario Government Broader Public Purchasing process. Outline the "challenges" with your rationale associated with the Government Purchasing Process (BPS)?

Question 2 You were exposed to private sector organizations such as Amazon and Air Canada. Outline the advantages and disadvantages of the Purchasing system and flexible rules that would exist in those organizations.

Question 3 If you had a choice and two (2) Purchasing job offers at the same time, one Private Purchasing and one Government Purchasing which one would you choose? Outline thoughts and rationale as to your personal alignment and explain why?

Reference no: EM133357030

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