Reference no: EM13971592
Topic: Online Reservation and Bookeeping Software for Beauty Salon
I am going to develop a software (with Java) for a beauty salon, which will replace a current paper based system, so that people could make reservations online and administrator could do book keeping.Project activities
When you submit your work you will be expected to have made progress on the following project activities, which are derived from the module learning outcomes.
You should maintain a project journal as you complete these activities, containing a record of what you have done and why, what you have read, problems you have encountered and how you overcame them, and so on. This will make writing your assignment and dissertation much easier to do. Before starting these activities you should study the guidance in section 4 and the indicative marking scheme in section 5 - the latter outlines some of the expectations of your tutor so bear these in mind as you do the work.
Preparation and planning |
Learning Outcome |
The working title of your project. Description of the problem you will address, indicating its scope. |
Identify and refine the goals and content of your project. |
Outline of the major tasks and subtasks within the project at an appropriate level detail to enable your tutor to assess the viability of your project. |
Identify and refine the of goals and content of your project. |
Choice and justification of a lifecycle model for its management. Within the context of the chosen lifecycle model, a schedule for completing the tasks and subtasks. |
Plan and organise your project work appropriately, and keep systematic records of plans, progress and outcomes. |
An outline of the resources and skills needed and the methods you are considering using, taking into account the risks and how these will be minimised. |
Identify, list and justify the resources, skills and activities needed to carry out the project successfully. Identify and address any |
Document any sources of information you have selected and read. |
Gather, analyse and evaluate relevant information to complete the project successfully. |
Describe any exploratory work you have completed that begins the work at the heart of the project. |
Identify and refine the goals and content of your project. |
Review progress of project work outlining what you have done, identifying any obstacles or problems that have emerged and explaining either how you addressed these or propose to address these in the near future. |
Learn independently and reflect on what has been done, with a view to improving skills and knowledge. |
Explain how you have been developing the skills necessary for your project, if you do not already have them. |
Indicate to your tutor any issues on which you would like specific feedback. |
Briefly summarise how your tutor has influenced your thinking in terms of your project choice and how you have agreed to maintain contact with your tutor. |
Preparation and planning
When you are ready to write this section of the assignment you will almost certainly find (and indeed, we recommend) that you have iterated through each of the tasks several times, developing drafts that have been maintained throughout the time you have been working. With each iteration you are likely to have refined some or all of the following:
the title and the description
the tasks and subtasks
the resources needed (in terms of searching for and reading possible sources)
your ongoing estimate of how much can be achieved in the limited time available
your thinking about availability of resources (especially access to people and data) and dependence of the project on securing them in a timely way
Working title
The title should be short and clear. Adopt a style similar to that used by published research papers you have found. In many cases, it will be possible to develop a title that refers directly to the main output of your project.
Description and scope
There are many ways to describe your project. One useful framework is to give short, one or two sentence answers to each of the following questions:
What is the problem that needs to be solved or understood?
Why is it considered a problem?
What will be the benefits of solving it?
What might the solution look like?
What, specifically, will you deliver by way of a project output?
You may need to adapt some of these to suit the nature of your topic, but you should have a clear and simple answer to the last question.
None of the answers should come as a complete surprise to your tutor, who should have been briefed concisely and clearly by you well in advance of the TMA. Be realistic about how much you can achieve in the project: most projects take longer to complete than is initially estimated (ask any builder!). Here are some useful questions to help you scope your project:
What am I going to deliver as a project output?
How will I produce it: through iteration, incrementation, both of these, or through some other strategy?
How will I evaluate it?
Aim to provide informative, but concise answers to each of them.
No# of Pages: 12 pages (3,000 words)
Paper Style: Harvard
No# of Sources Required: 10