Online registration application

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13655659

Imagine an online registration application. Use your registration form as starting point for your analysis. Identify the entities that a potential database will need, along with their attributes.

Reference no: EM13655659

Questions Cloud

Calculate whether or not this reaction will be spontaneous : In regards of the following reaction at constant P. Utilize the information here to conclude the value of? Ssurr at 398 K. Calculate whether or not this reaction will be spontaneous at this temperature.
What is frequency of oscillation of the spring block system : An oscillating spring block system has a mechanical energy of 2.2 J and amplitude of 0.1m.  Its maximum speed is 0.63 m/s.  What is the frequency of oscillation of the spring block system?
Depict the second ionization energy of an element : Depict the general trends in the second ionization energy of an element as a function of its atomic number, over the range Z=1-20. Label the minima as well as maxima on the graph with appropriate element symbol.
Explain the mononitration product of bromobenzene prevents : Suppose Precipitation of the mononitration product of bromobenzene prevents dinitration from occurring. Define how this experimental result is an application of the Le Chatelier principle.
Online registration application : Imagine an online registration application. Use your registration form as starting point for your analysis. Identify the entities that a potential database will need, along with their attributes.
Define how the could separate also isolate the two oils : Define how the student could separate also isolate the two essential oils using liquid extraction. Phenols are moderately acidic moreover can be deprotonated by NaOH.
Production function and factors of production : Production function and Factors of production and Production Possibilities frontier
Ignore the force of gravity : Ignore the force of gravity.
Reactance of the capacitorequal the resistance of resistor : Consider a circuit containing a resistor withR = 2600 Ω and acapacitor with C = 4.9µF. At what frequency does the reactance of the capacitorequal the resistance of the resistor?


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