Online event registration system

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM131465424

Context of the assignment

After having experienced with ASP.NET web forms, you should now have an idea of designing and creating a dynamic web forms by using basic and fundamentals like User input validation, Custom controls Rich controls methods, Page validation and ASP.NET Data Access.

You are required to complete an assignment for the module - Server Side Programming.

Assignment Objectives

- To develop the students skills in developing dynamic web form by using ASP.NET web forms and their properties.

- To investigate the students ability to work with ADO objects in ASP.NET

- To measure the students effort towards software testing (validation testing) and documentation.


This system refers to an online EVENT REGISTRATION SYSTEM for registering for participating to an event. At first, the guest user must have to create a user name and password for login into the system for event registration. The account creation web form will take all basic attributes of the guest user and allow making user account. The registered users only allowed login and registering events scheduled inside the system.

An Administrator user is monitoring the system by ADD/CANCEL new events and makes enable for registration. The Admin user can monitor the guest user registrations and have privilege to remove the users as well as the registered events.

The proposed ER Diagram for the Event Registration as given below for your reference and database table design:

2363_ER Diagram.jpg

Tasks to perform

i) Submit a work proposal for this assignment by the end of week#6, which must include
- Understanding the deliverables - a detailed description of deliverables
- General overview of proposed plan - initial understanding of solution to task 2 & task 3
- Resources identified
- The work proposal must be submitted in a word file through the link available in MOODLE.

ii) Create a guest user registration page for making user account for logging in. Provide a link in the home for making this task as well as a login design. .

iii) Once the user successfully registered to the system, allow the user to login into the rental page and make an online event registration available.

a. During the registration, the user Name, Address, Email, GSM, Event type, should be configuring form different data source (as mentioned in ER diagram). Use all kinds form elements (text box, radio button, drop down box, text area etc...).

b. During registering the 'date of request' should be automatically updated as current date from the system and the fees for participating the event should be fill in the fees textbox upon the event selection.

iv) An Admin role could be identified by the system during login and re-direct the admin into administrator page and perform the following tasks:

a. An Administrator user is monitoring the system by ADD/CANCEL new events and makes enable for registration.
b. The Admin user can monitor the guest user registrations and have privilege to remove the users as well as the registered events.
c. Report of all newly registered customers. (use ‘Report viewer' )
d. Report of all Event Registration details. (use ‘Report viewer' )

NB: You are requested to write code comments for important code snippets.

Assignment Questions

You are required to produce a complete database table design in SQL Server 2008 and create web forms in ASP.NET. Implement ASP.NET Data Access and connection between web forms and DB. To perform a client side validation testing and document with screen shots and test cases as evidence for testing.

You are required to submit your assignment as a report inclusive of the required diagrams as well as your discussion points according to the following guidelines.


Follow the guidelines mentioned below for your assignment.

- Assignment should be typed and submitted on MOODLE.
- Handwritten assignments will not be accepted
- The assignment should not be more than 10 pages in (size A4) paper. Minimum acceptable size is 4 pages.
- Assignment should have a Title Page. Title Page should contain the following information.

  •    Assignment Name
  •    Class
  •    Student name
  •    Student ID

- It should have Table of Contents
- Use page numbers
- Assignment should be typed in your own words using Times New Roman font size 12.

- Heading should be with Font Size 14, Bold, Underline
- Use Diagrams and Examples to explain your topic, provided citation, if applicable.
- You are encouraged to refer the books in Library or use internet resource or computer magazines or any other resource but you should not cut/copy and paste from internet. The report should be in your own words.
- Copy paste from the Internet is strictly not acceptable.
- Reference should be included in the last page as follows
- Author name, Book Title, Publisher, Year in case of books
- In case of web site references type the full path of the web page with referenced date
- In case of magazines/ periodicals type article name, magazine name, Issue Number and date

Reference no: EM131465424

Questions Cloud

Conveying certain real property : Martha Widsom executed a deed conveying certain real property to her son, Charles Smith. Wisdom put the deed in an envelope and asked Smith to hide the envelope
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Conduct an inspection of a factory : 1. If you were a sweatshop monitor, how would you conduct an inspection of a factory?
Write an essay on a female prominent figure : Write a 300 words essay on a female prominent figure/leader/educator/business personnel.
Online event registration system : SERVER SIDE PROGRAMMING (COMP-0406) To develop the students skills in developing dynamic web form by using ASP.NET web forms and their properties.
What special skills are needed to provide the engagement : The company has heard about an assurance service- Will SysTrust help the board in this situation? What special skills are needed to provide the engagement?
Wap to implement the motion of a bouncing ball using dynamic : Write a program to implement the motion of a bouncing ball using dynamics. The motion of the ball is to be governed by a downward gravitational force.
Perspective on the development of organization design : Outline a historical perspective on the development of organization design. Explain theories, models, and paradigms that apply to organization design.
How would you respond to dan : He wants you to reduce the proposed audit fee and rely on the internal audit department for much of the work. How would you respond to Dan?



4/17/2017 7:10:54 AM

Deliverables Aspects 0-10 11-24 25-40 Marks Task #4 Illustrating ADO Objects No attempt and irrelevant codes / No proper usage of ADO Data Objects. Good attempt/ Correct usage Successful connection and data processing. Successful data processing with all of the SQL statements Deliverables Aspects 0-3 4-9 10 Marks Task #5 Client Side validation and testing No attempt or wrong validation Fairly good validation. Correct client side validation and testing with proper documentation.


4/17/2017 7:10:41 AM

Deliverables Aspects 0-3 4-9 10 Marks Task 1 Work Proposal Uncompleted/ Weak/Plagiarize d design Good Attempt Objectives clearly identified. Initial understanding of task 2&3. Deliverables Aspects 0-3 4-9 10 Marks Task 2 DB Design Uncompleted/ Weak/Plagiarize d design Good design with all necessary fields and use constraints. Good Attempt. Perfect Deliverables Aspects 0-10 11-20 21-30 Marks Task #3 Design of web forms and validation on client side No attempt/Weak attempt. Incomplete web forms/minor mistakes on some design and validation Perfect design and apt validation on client side Marks


4/17/2017 7:10:09 AM

? Heading should be with Font Size 14, Bold, Underline ? Use Diagrams and Examples to explain your topic, provided citation, if applicable. ? You are encouraged to refer the books in Library or use internet resource or computer magazines or any other resource but you should not cut/copy and paste from internet. The report should be in your own words. ? Copy paste from the Internet is strictly not acceptable. ? Reference should be included in the last page as follows ? Author name, Book Title, Publisher, Year in case of books ? In case of web site references type the full path of the web page with referenced date ? In case of magazines/ periodicals type article name, magazine name, Issue Number and date


4/17/2017 7:10:02 AM

Follow the guidelines mentioned below for your assignment. ? Assignment should be typed and submitted on MOODLE. ? Handwritten assignments will not be accepted ? The assignment should not be more than 10 pages in (size A4) paper. Minimum acceptable size is 4 pages. ? Assignment should have a Title Page. Title Page should contain the following information. ? Assignment Name ? Class ? Student name ? Student ID ? It should have Table of Contents ? Use page numbers ? Assignment should be typed in your own words using Times New Roman font size 12.


4/17/2017 7:08:08 AM

I want this assignment please hire a professional tutor for this assignment. Please read the whole assignment carefully. See to it that if there is software or something.. be sure the tutor can do it and has knowledge about Marks break down of the assignment Task #1 Submission of work proposal 10 Marks Task #2 Database design 10 Marks Task #3 Design of web forms and validation on client side 30 M arks Task #4 Illustrating ADO Objects 40 Marks Task #5 Client side validation and testing (Screen shots Should be included in report for testing) 10 Marks Total 100 marks

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