Online debate on the role of online education in education

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM13674854

An online debate on the role of online education in education.

Debating is often used to thoroughly explore the opportunities and challenges of a new innovations and change  In this Module we will explore in depth What's best for 1:1: Tablets or laptops?

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Reference no: EM13674854

Questions Cloud

How many of each type of ticket were sold : A jazz concert brought in $156000 on the sale of 7400 tickets
What is the volume of a triangular prism : What is the volume of a triangular prism with a congruent base and the same height?
A diner served 15 salads during lunch and 27 during dinner : A Diner served 15 salads during lunch and 27 during dinner.
The staff at tiny little cherubs day care center : The staff at tiny little cherubs day care center
Online debate on the role of online education in education : An online debate on the role of online education in education.
How many bags will the recycling center accept : How many bags will the recycling center accept?
Magnitude plot and phase plot : Magnitude plot and phase plot
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Case study poseidon - how poseidon might respond to them : Explain presence as being beneficial to the local environment whilst they feel that they cannot really deny that their main motive is profit maximisation.


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Web Project Questions & Answers

  Identify the system requirements and all risks

Work together with role playing (one Project Manager, one customer, others may be system architects/developers) to identify the system requirements and all risks. And, rate each risk.

  Purpose of web accessibility standards

Discuss the purpose of Web accessibility standards and what role does the W3C play in developing the standards?

  Determining the throughput

A group of stations share a sixteen kbps slotted Aloha channel. Each station outputs a eighty Bytes frame and buffers any outgoing frames until they can be sent.

  Understanding the path packets

Understand the path packets take so, require a description of the path a packet takes across the Internet from destination A to destination B.

  Study and critique an enterprise website

Create a website to present your results. You must critique a website that is different from the rest of the class

  Software development process

Discover a description of a software development process, preferably with a description on the website. There are several processes; some examples include the Rational Unified Process.

  It influences the behavior of organizations

Information technology influences the behavior of organizations. Name one effect of Information technology implementation and long-term usage you suppose having a positive contribution and one having a negative consequence.

  Frameset based questions

Surf the Internet to view Web sites that have been constructed as single pages and with frames pages. Compare and contrast the two different styles.

  Create a one-page professional-looking personal website

Create a one-page professional-looking personal website using only HTML and CSS. You may build your site on any topic of your choosing.

  Discuss the apache web server in regard to cost

Discuss the Apache Web server in regard to cost, functionality, and compatibility. Are there certain implementations were it may not be suitable?

  Explanation of contextual links

The most powerful hypertext capabilities is the the contextual link. Wikipedia . com is a great example of a site that utilizes contextual links.

  Define website content requirements

Although you will learn that Content Inventory and Categorisation and Labelling are part of the design phase, this work has already been partially done for you. Below you will find some of the content identification for the webpagesthat you are to..

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