Online banking management system - java project

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13948433 , Length: word count:1250

Details: The project Proposal should be based on the java project.

Topic: Online Banking Management System Java Project

Proposal that contains all of the components listed below.

1. Executive Summary of effort

2. A brief description of the industry, company, and specific facility at which the project will be conducted

3. Description of the problem

4. Project purpose and goals

5. Project approach and methodologies

6. Project deliverables

7. Requirements

8. Costs Analysis

9. Timeline for deliverables

10. Identify Technical Advisor by name, contact information, position and responsibility

11. Identify Supervisor by name, contact information, position and responsibility

No# of Pages: 5 pages (1,250 words)

Subject Area: Computer Science

Paper Style: Harvard

No# of Sources Required: 6

Reference no: EM13948433

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