One thing that effects humans behavior is there environment

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Reference no: EM133571965


One thing that effects humans behavior is there environment. If you grow up in a family that participates in gang activates you yourself are likely to participate in them as well. The social disorganization theory developed by a collage in Chicago helps support this, connecting crime rates with low prevariety areas. Another thing that effects a human behavior is human nature, Many people believe that hedonism, the pursuit of pleasure; sensual self-indulgence leads people to participate in gang activates. human beings pursue their own self-interest relentlessly, mechanically avoiding pain and pursuing pleasure. For example someone stealing something is them pursuing self interest and ignoring the consequence's. One last reason gangs exist is the social learning/ differential learning theory, it suggest that people join a gang not only through direct connect but also through exposure to various values, beliefs, and attitudes that are supportive of criminal and delinquent acts. A good example of that nowadays is rap music, the music supports gang activity making it seem like other should too, exposing are kids to gang violence at a young age.

Reference no: EM133571965

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