Reference no: EM13947924
Unit I Research Paper Topic
Within Units I, IV, and VII, you will be creating a research paper on one of the contingency theories of leadership. In the Unit I Research Paper Topic, you will be creating an outline for your paper. In Unit IV, you will be collecting your research and submitting an annotated bibliography, and the full research paper will be due within Unit VII.
For your first submission, you will need to choose a contingency theory of leadership that you would like to write about. Your choices are the following:
- leader-member exchange (LMX)
- the normative decision model
- the Situational Leadership model
- the contingency model
- the path-goal theory
- another contingency theory that you find from a creditable source
Once you have chosen your theory, you will need to submit an outline of your preliminary research with at least two
scholarly references. Within your outline, discuss why you chose your topic, possible subtopics for focus (at least two), possible research questions you could investigate, and the relevance of your two scholarly references to your research.
Make sure that your topics, research questions, and references provide a description of the model, leader behaviors, follower behaviors, and any other elements of the theory you chose.
Your outline should be at least two pages in length, double spaced, Times New Roman 12 point font, with appropriate
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