One-dimensional as array of counters to solve problem

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM1382715

A company pays its salespeople on commission basis. Sales workers each get £200 per week plus 9% of their gross sales for that week. Retail shop keepers get 13% commission of their total sale of week; part time workers receive 10% of their gross sales for week plus £150 per week. For instance, a sales worker who grosses £5000 in sales in week receives £200 plus 9 percent of £5000, or total of £650. Write program which determines how many salespeople earned salaries in each of following ranges.

i)£1000 and over

• Use the one-dimensional as the array of counters in solving this problem
• Use two programmer defined functions in solving this problem.
• Prompt user to Enter salesperson type a

Reference no: EM1382715

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