On globalization

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM13544118

On Globalization -
a. What is it? Among the various ideas of globalization, what best fits your world view. Explain from the perspective of the future manager.
b. Additionally, present a concise, articulate, and supported argument of a pro and con of globalization.
c. Lastly, provide advice to the CEO of Walmart (the world's largest retailer) and Apple (the world's most valued brand) on the ethic of globalization whereby the corporation must do well by being good.

Reference no: EM13544118

Questions Cloud

Calculate the net torque on the wheel : The wheel on a bench grinder has a diameter of 0.3048 m and a mass of 2.4 kg. It is spinning at 26.2 rad/s when the grinder is turned off. Calculate the net torque on the wheel
Estimate what is its total kinetic energy : a 10 kg hollow cylindrical shell rolls on the ground at a linear velocity of 5m/s. its diameter is 50 cm. what is its total kinetic energy
What people, organizational, and technology factors : What people, organizational, and technology factors conributed to these problems? and what are the solutions are available for this problem? how difficult are they to implement? why?
Differences between personality tests and integrity tests : Describe the similarities and differences between personality tests and integrity tests. When is each warranted in the selection process and how would you advise an organization considering adopting a cognitive ability test for selection?
On globalization : On Globalization -
Compute how fast is the center of mass of two cars moving : An old Chrysler with mass 2650 kg is moving along a straight stretch of road at 75 km/h. How fast is the center of mass of the two cars moving
What is the final common angular speed of the two disks : a non rotation cylyndrical disk of moment of inertia.I is dropped onto an identical disk roating at angular speed w. what is the final common angular speed of the two disks
Explain the initial concentration of m : The reaction 1 M + 2 N ? 1 P has a equilibrium constant, Kc, equal 8.52 x E-06 where E is the exponent on 10. The initial concentration of M is 0.58 M
Determine how long will the game last : Suppose that three astronauts outside a spaceship decide to play catch. All three astronauts have the same mass and are equally strong. How long will the game last


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