On any given execution your program

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13164631

Produce a specific text figure that is supposed to look like Seattle's Space Needle. Use of for loops (nested as appropriate). Use of static methods for structure and elimination of redundancy

Continue to use static methods to structure your solution in such a way that the methods match the structure of the output itself. Avoid significant redundancy; use methods so that no substantial groups of identical statements appear in your code. No println statements should appear in your main method. You do not need to use methods to capture redundancy in partial lines, such as the two groups of colons in the following line:


Give meaningful names to methods and variables in your code. Follow Java's naming standards about the format of ClassNames, methodAndVariableNames, and CONSTANT_NAMES.

Class constant for figure's size:

You should create one (and only one) class constant to represent the size of the pieces of the figure. Use 4 as the value of your constant. Your figure must be based on that exact value to receive full credit.

On any given execution your program will produce just one version of the figure. However, you should refer to the class constant throughout your code, so that by simply changing your constant's value and recompiling, your program would produce a figure of a different size. Your program should scale correctly for any constant value of 2 or greater.

Please note that the height of the needle's midsection grows as the square of the figure size. In the default figure size of 4, the midsection is 16 lines tall. If the size were 7, the midsection would be 49 lines tall.

As a reference, our solution to Part B has 5 methods besides main and occupies around 90-110 lines including comments and blank lines, though you do not have to match this exactly.

Reference no: EM13164631

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