Olivias mountain adventure store

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13501683

Olivia's Mountain Adventure Store has been serving outdoor enthusiasts in Banff, Alberta since 1968. Originally, Olivia's specialized in expedition services and climbing gear, but they recently expanded to carry complete lines of camping equipment and outdoor-clothing. Although not as large as competing stores in bigger cities, they have developed a growing customer base due to their expertise in providing "mountain adventures" to a variety of remote locations in unpredictable weather conditions.

"We'd like a prototype web site for potential customers and our employees." says Olivia. "The prototype should demonstrate how a website can display our Products, Product-types, Customers and Employees. It should enable authorized staff to view and change Product,Customer and even Employee data stored in our database. Can your team help us?"

1. There must be a "Welcome to Olivia'sMountain Equipment Shop" page. This page should welcome browsers to the site and provide info and features to ensure the visitor is oriented. The page should be attractive to potential Customers.

Also, a disclaimer should appear on the welcome page (and every other page), such as "This web-site is built for academic credit and it does not represent any real organization. No goods or services are offered or implied".

2. Your site must include the Olivia's Access db(provided inAsgn CAssignment object) which has the completeset ofOlivia'stables from AsgnB, including the Customer, Employee, Product and Product-type tables
(NOTE: if you plan to create 2 extra"image-URL" columns on your db-tables as a "Bell&Whistle", do so here,beforemaking grid-pages. The "Customer" table has too many columns to add 2 extra"image-URL" columns foredit-grids: Employee and Product tables will work).

Using the techniques shown in the MIS311 lab sessions, build the following six pages:
-a pagewith a grid that(only) listsall rows on theProducttable,
-a page w. grid that(only) listsall rows on theProduct-typetable,
-a page w. grid thatmaintains(inserts, updates and deletes) theProducttable,
-a page w. grid that(only) lists all rows on the Employee table,
-a page w. grid thatmaintains(inserts, updates and deletes) theCustomertable, &
-a page w. grid thatmaintains(inserts, updates and deletes) the Employee table.

A set of THREEhyperlinks/link-buttonsmustappear on the Welcome-page:
-one link transfers all browsers to the page which (only) lists all Products,
-thesecond link transfers to the page which (only) lists all Product-types,
-thethird linktransfers to the "Maintenance" web page.

A "Maintenance" web page must exist for those who wish to modify data onselected company database tables. This page must have a set of threehyperlinks/link-buttons:
-one link transfers all browsers to theabove "maintainCustomer-table" page,
-a second link transfers to theabove "maintain Product-table" page,
-a third link transfers to theabove "maintainEmployee-table" page.

All abovepages should have any necessary titles, instructions, navigation features, layout and formatting (without causing the page to malfunction) so that they "look and feel" fully integrated with the rest of the web-site. Note: before using the VSE editor to modify anytemplate program-file, always protect such files by using "copy and paste" in your VSE Solution Explorerto make a backup copy of the file.

-For the grid on the "Maintain Customer" page, install a lookup-link in the header and footer cell of the "Rep_employee_id" column (hint: see instruction #4 in the EDITim_TTTTT.txt template). Do the same for the "Product_type_code" column on the Maintain Product page. These links must transfer control to their "parent-table" list-page (already one of six grid-pages built above). Ensure that these list-pages have sufficient instructions/links to help a novice operator get back to their calling page.

3. Your site should provide password protection on the above third link on the "Welcome" page and separate password protection on the above third link on the "Maintenance" page.After hitting eitherlink, the operator must be asked to type in a password (which is the internal name of the desired "target" page).

4. Create three additional "static" web-pages (not usinggrids) for Olivia's, including:
-a "Products" backgroundpage (linked from an extra hyperlink on Welcome page),
-a "Customer" information page (linked from a hyperlink on Welcome page), and
-an "Employee" information page (linked from a hyperlink on Maintenance page).

Under the "Products" page, you could showimages and text about Olivia's various Products and what features they provide for customers. Under the "Customer" page, you could showOlivia's images, history, customer-oriented statistics and summaries, as well as special buying opportunities for customers. Under the "Employee" page, you could show Employee info, news and policies (like an Employee-newsletter).

These pages will be evaluated based(in part) on the page layouts, any additional features incorporated and the depth and appeal of the information. These pages are your opportunity to explore the use of Internet technologies as a tool for business.

5. Somewhere in your web site project you must include the following components:
i. A "washed-out" background picture
ii. A hit-counter
iii. An "interactive" link-button
iv. A marquee
v. A link to a web-page(s) outside of the UofA, on the Internet
Note: The components may be integrated in to your Welcome Page or other web pages on your site. Be cautious if you decide to add extra features to your "asp.net" grid-pages.

If you wish to incorporate other web page components that you have seen on the Internet such as flash, Javascript, etc, marks are available under point 6 (iv) for extra effort.

6. The website will also be judged based on the following criteria:

i. Consistency (do all pages in site have coordinated "look and feel"?)
(Note: proper use of at least one Master Page will be judged here).
ii. Navigation (can I easily and effectively move around in the site?)
iii. A professionalappearance suitable for this business (eg: organization, readability, messages, text-box-widths, etc)
iv."Bells and whistles" - EXTRA Web features, in addition to the above requirements (highest marks for any new features, researched by you).
("Simple" features could be awarded 1/10
"Good" features could be awarded 2/10
"Very Good" features could be awarded 3/10
"Exceptional" features could be awarded 4-5/10:
-Eg:successfullypublishingyour project to providedweb-folder could=4-5/10.
-Eg: using styles to give sitelayouts for both desktop & smartphone could=4-5/10.
-Eg: using "image-URL" columns to show editablepictures in grids could =4-5/10.)

Reference no: EM13501683

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