Reference no: EM132311853
I say that because as we get older Memory Hack Review it should not be the norm to become forgetful and lack concentration. There are a couple of ways how to keep your mind sharp that are of importance such as doing brain training games or solving puzzles such as crosswords or maths puzzles. After all we need to treat the brain like a muscle and exercise it regularly. However just like a muscle it also needs to be nourished properly, and the best way to do this is through increasing the amount of omega 3 you take.We have probably all heard omega 3 is important for good health, but the omega 3 from oily fish is of particular importance if you want find a way how to keep your mind sharp. The reason for this is because of the essential fat DHA that it contains.
The reason DHA is called an essential fat is because apart from the initial dose we get from our mother while we are in the womb, our body does not create any more of it so we have to actively get it from the foods we eat. The relevance between this fat and how to keep your mind sharp is that it actually makes up around 25% of the tissues in your brain. If you are lacking in it then the body replaces it with another fat DPA, and when this takes place this is when you start to have memory and concentration problems.
As well as it being a highly effective way how to keep your mind sharp, the omega 3 also benefits your health in other ways too and one of those ways is helping to protect your heart from disease. Considering that apart from cancer heart disease is the biggest killer in the western world, this is quite significant. The reason it helps your heart is because it helps reduce the amount of plaque in the blood, this reduces the likelihood of blocked arteries and clots. In addition to that it also helps keep triglyceride levels down and keep blood pressure under control too.
The challenge is that a lot of people do not like fish and even those that do would not probably want to eat a portion everyday which is what you would have to do to take full advantage of the omega 3 fats. However, you can get around this by using fish oil supplements, which if they are of the right quality would mean you could have a simple and effective way how to keep your mind sharp and protect your heart at the same time.OCD Symptoms plague millions and there seems to be absolutely no cure for this malady, or is there I find that there are so many people that plague the forums and tell you that there is no way possible to get rid of your OCD, but obviously how could they know, they are there because they are suffering with it too.
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