Old dillard museum information on museum

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133206384 , Length: 2 Pages

Your challenge this week is to explore local history in the area where you live.

The goals of this assignment are as follows.

Understand your community and its past to help contextualize contemporary values.

Appreciate your local historical heritage in your community.

Become more aware of the significance of local history in your own life.

Please look around your area for a locally oriented museum, a more general museum with a locally oriented exhibition, an historical building, an historical site, or a local historical society.

Research the site, museum, building, or society.

Go visit (take a photo of yourself there and include it in your assignment please). Due to COVID-19, visiting a website and providing a screenshot will suffice for this aspect of the assignment.

Explain the import of the local site and its historical significance.

Reference no: EM133206384

Questions Cloud

The legal system of the land embodied by religious : Analyze how humans developed a large cerebrum and how this changed humanity? Explain why the Magna Carta is so important.
The Nixon Resignation : Your assignment will be to research the details of the case and present arguments for or against President Nixon's impeachment.
The Future of California Essay : Discuss and analyze the contrast between what you think California will look like in 2050
American military action : Los Angeles City College-Evaluate the statement: "American military action 1898-1920 was intended to make the world a more democratic place for all people.
Old dillard museum information on museum : HIST 405-DeVry University Chicago-Understand your community and its past to help contextualize contemporary values.
Political ideology that generally accompanies capitalism : HIST 115-Which is the political ideology that generally accompanies capitalism? Why was the new generation of liberals of the 1980s known as "neoliberals"?
Colonial revolutionary transformations in twentieth century : University of California Davis-Write essay exploring anti-colonial nationalism and post-colonial revolutionary transformations in the twentieth century
Complete project on african innovation : What is the importance of the chosen innovation? What was its causes and consequences?
All persons irrespective of sex research : America Promised Equal Rights to All Persons Irrespective of Sex Research


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History Questions & Answers

  History of imperialism and colonialism

Discuss the specific connections between economic development and imperialism in the latter half of the 20th century.

  Explain immigration to america

Explain immigration to America during the half of 19 th century

  American society in the making

American Society in the Making

  Conditions of late 19th century worker

Some historians considered the industrialists of the late 19th Century to be captains of industry while others considered them robber barons. Which view do you believe to be correct and why.

  Explaining the transition of humankind

Explain the significance of the transition of humankind from a hunter-gatherer society to a food-producing society. Include the following: A description of the Paleolithic era

  Tombs and monuments

Tombs and Monuments: Compare an aspect of the tomb of Emperor Shihuangdi with the burial tombs of other cultures, such as Egypt or Mesopotamia. Explain whether you think the emperor's elaborate tomb was motivated by power or religious beliefs.

  Accomplishments of egyptian female

Can anyone educate me regarding one distinct Mesopatamian and one Egyptian female and their accomplishments?

  Describing the characteristics of mesopotamia

What are the characteristics of the first civilizations of 5000 years ago? Especially in Mesopotamia.

  Explaining the vulnerability of mesopotamia

Determine why Mesopotamia was so vulnerable.

  Difference between egypt and mesopotamia

Some have said that the strength and endurance of the Empire and the regular, dependable recurrence of the Nile flood gave the artists-craftsmen a sense of consistency that profoundly influenced the nature of their artistic creations.

  Characteristics of first civilizations

What are the characteristics of the first civilizations of 5000 years ago( especially in the Mesopotamia)? what makes these groups "civilized" as opposed to prehistoric peoples?

  Growth and change in society

Cultures of Mesopotamia, especially Summer, and Egypt. How cultures change over time.

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