Often one of greatest sources of cost for companies

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132193517

The supply chain is often one of the greatest sources of cost for companies and consequently it often becomes a major target of cost reduction. This is true for both product and service industries. For example, in manufacturing, managers seeking to reduce supply costs have a number of options including re-designing products so that they can be built with less costly parts (sometimes referred to as "value engineering" (Meeker & McWilliams, n.d.), automation, transitioning sources of supply from high-cost domestic suppliers to suppliers in low cost regions of the world, among other options. In the service industry input services must be combined in some fashion to provide the output service a customer wants to buy. Therefore, managers seeking to reduce supply chain costs can automate input services or outsource them from high-cost employees to low-cost service-providers, among other options. In this light, address one of the following: (a) Select an organization. Discuss in detail some methods it has used to reduce supply chain costs and what results were achieved; ( b) Select a cost reduction approach or method (like the concept of "value engineering" (Meeker & McWilliams, n.d.) I mentioned above, or outsourcing of employee labor, as examples), provide a real-world illustration of it, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages it holds for organizations that use it; (c) Select a company. How would you determine how much of the total cost of that company is associated with the supply chain? Provide detailed steps that you would take to perform this analysis and arrive at a conclusion. Given that the supply chain is one source of cost, what are the other sources of cost for the company?

Reference no: EM132193517

Questions Cloud

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Determine a case violates the establishment clause : Students have requested that they be permitted to publicly perform and/or lead prayers before or during CSUN sporting events.
Often one of greatest sources of cost for companies : The supply chain is often one of the greatest sources of cost for companies and consequently it often becomes a major target of cost reduction.
Book was biased in its presentation of the company : What problems did the company encounter that others can learn from? Do you think this book was biased in its presentation of the company? Why/why not?
Compare and contrast the advertisement strategy : Compare and contrast the advertisement strategy used by Adidas vs Nike and how they are making impact on individual to buy them.
Five key elements involved in growth stage of business : Describe the five key elements involved in the growth stage of a business.
Create a prospectus of your applied research study : Choice of methodology for applied research (specific quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-methods paradigm) and justification for such choice.


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