Offence of gross negligence manslaughter

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Reference no: EM133653688


Based on the information provided, Cody could potentially be liable for the offence of Gross Negligence Manslaughter if Sally were to die from the adverse reaction to the drugs. This is a common law offence in the UK, and it occurs when the defendant owes a duty of care to the victim, breaches that duty of care, and the breach causes the death of the victim. The breach must be so grossly negligent that it is considered criminal. The actus reus (guilty act) of Gross Negligence Manslaughter is causing the death of another person by a grossly negligent act or omission. In this case, Cody gave Sally a more potent dose of the drug than usual, which led to her adverse reaction. If this reaction were to cause her death, then the actus reus would be met. The mens rea (guilty mind) for Gross Negligence Manslaughter is gross negligence that leads to a breach of a duty of care towards the victim. Cody knew that he was giving Sally a more potent dose of the drug than usual, and he knew that they were far from medical help. This could be seen as a grossly negligent act, especially if he.

Reference no: EM133653688

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