Off-color jokes about the church

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133615291


Archdiocese of St. Louis v. Internet Entertainment Group, Inc., (E.D.Mo. 2/12/99) Defendant registered domain name and used the name to provide limited information on the Pope's upcoming visit. The site was primarily used, however to advertise defendant's adult entertainment site and list off-color jokes about the church. Plaintiff, owner of the Papal Visit trademark, brought suit alleging trademark infringement, dilution and unfair competition. The court granted a preliminary injunction, finding that plaintiff's were likely to prevail on their dilution claim. The court found that the Papal Visit marks were famous and that their association with adult entertainment sites would likely cause tarnishment. The decision was published on February 12, 1999, but is no longer available after a court order issues March 26, 1999. what violations and/or defenses were utilized by the plaintiff and defendant(s). What was the ruling in the case and what do you think this means for similar cases in the future?

Reference no: EM133615291

Questions Cloud

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About shoe sizes and heights to improve sizing of product : If you were doing a research study for a company that needed to know about shoe sizes and heights to improve the sizing of their product,
Off-color jokes about the church : The site was primarily used, however to advertise defendant's adult entertainment site and list off-color jokes about the church.
Making money is most important thing to consider : Making money is the most important thing to consider when looking for a summer job. Agree Disagree Explain
Explain the job and government department : Explain the job and its government department and what you would be doing for the community.
Violated california right of publicity laws : in the advertisement was a misappropriation of her likeness, and it violated California's right of publicity laws.
Violated california right of publicity laws : In the advertisement was a misappropriation of her likeness, and it violated California's right of publicity laws.


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