Occupational Safety and Health Act

Assignment Help Managerial Economics
Reference no: EM133184303

Discussion: Safety, Health, and Risk Management

Even though the rate of worker deaths and reported injuries has decreased by more than 60% since the inception of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, there are still 3.6 million serious job-related injuries and more than 5,000 workers killed on the job each year.

As an HR manager at an ophthalmic medicine research lab at a major university, you provide safety guidance for about 400 faculty and staff. These 400 people are actively engaged in research that involves chemicals, sharp tools like scalpels and needles, easily-broken glassware, and machinery that cryogenically and deep-freezes biological and chemical materials.

Safety concerns for the lab would include fire and being able to safely extinguish it; proper use of chemicals that follow biohazard rules, use of them in properly vented areas, and careful procedures for use of radioactive materials; safely operating all machinery; and proper use and disposal of "sharps," which include needles and syringes, scalpels and the like. Safety and risk management are a large part of your job as the HR manager.

Discussion Prompt

The director of the safety department just approached you to investigate OSHA's resources. He's looking for a recognition program for workplace safety that would work well for the lab. Particularly, the director is proud of the work his team has done to instill safety into the workplace and wants them to get some official recognition. Using the resources provided to you in this module, determine which of OSHA's offerings might be best suited to what the director is looking for, and what next steps you'd recommend.

Reference no: EM133184303

Questions Cloud

Ethics and financial performance in health care industry : Is there a relationship between ethics and financial performance in the health care industry?
Principles of microeconomics : Identifies and discusses the three most important insights you gained during Principles of Microeconomics; the implications of your learning
American social environment affect healthcare attitudes : How does American social environment affect healthcare attitudes? How does United States compare with other countries on various outcome metrics and expenditure
Develop a comprehensive paper : Create an abbreviated presentation that addresses the most important points of your comprehensive report.
Occupational Safety and Health Act : Even though the rate of worker deaths and reported injuries has decreased by more than 60% since the inception of the Occupational Safety and Health Act
Disruptive business models have brought to entrepreneurs : What are the advantages and disadvantages that standard and disruptive business models have brought to entrepreneurs?
Duty of organizational leadership to high ethical standards : You had a clear description of the duty of organizational leadership to use high ethical standards at all times.
Good description of typical hospital policy : Good description of a typical hospital policy about requiring an X-ray under certain circumstances.
Significant changes in external environment : What are the significant changes in the external environment that create opportunities and challenges for firms competing in the international marketplace?


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MGMT 3306: Solve the assignment problems, 1. Please answer the assignment questions in this docx file and save once you’re satisfied. Assignment 3covers the lectures slides for Week 6.

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