Occupancy percentage and average daily rate

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132141382

At the end of the InnRoad simulation we looked at several ratios: Occupancy Percentage, Average Daily Rate (ADR), and Revenue Per Available Room (RevPar) on the simulation’s Daily Flash Report. Please identify where that information came from in the PMS. Please include the formulas when answering the question. Occupancy Percentage: Average Daily Rate (ADR): Revenue Per Available Room (RevPar):

Reference no: EM132141382

Questions Cloud

The tray to ensure that the system remains stable : Assuming that each cookie takes up a space of 25cm2, what should be the minimum surface area of the tray to ensure that the system remains stable?
What are most important general environment factors : What are the most important general environment factors to be considered for Better World Books and what is their effect, positive-negative-neutral?
Does adverse impact exist against any of protected classes : An organization received 100 employment applications from Caucasians for a position and found that 50 of them were qualified. Another 60 applications.
Correct order of steps for assessing current hr capacity : What is the correct order of steps for Assessing Current HR Capacity?
Occupancy percentage and average daily rate : At the end of the InnRoad simulation we looked at several ratios: Occupancy Percentage, Average Daily Rate (ADR), and Revenue Per Available Room
Pull promotional strategy and push promotional strategy : Explain the difference between a “pull” promotional strategy and a “push” promotional strategy. Under what conditions should each strategy be used?
Major strategic group competitors for better world books : What are the two major strategic group competitors for Better World Books and what are the significant future actions of each competitor?
Attain sustainable competitive advantage : What are the stages that a company goes through to attain a sustainable competitive advantage?
Bench-marking help us to set performance and cost standards : How could bench-marking help us to set performance and cost standards for this program?


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