Obtain the heat of vaporization of steam at 30 bar

Assignment Help Chemical Engineering
Reference no: EM131155988

Problem 3.32:

1 kg of liquid water, initially at 40 °C, 2 bar, is heated under constant pressure. If the amount of heat added is 1200 kJ, determine the final temperature and the phase of the system in the final state (if vapor-liquid mixture, report the mass fraction of each phase).

Problem 3.33:

a) Obtain the heat of vaporization of steam at 30 bar.

b) Saturated liquid water at 30 bar is heated until the quality is 75%. What is the amount of heat?

c) Saturated liquid water at 30 bar is heated by adding 750 kJ/kg of heat at constant pressure. What is the final state?

d) What is the final state if the amount of heat that is added to the saturated liquid is 1950 kJ/kg?

Reference no: EM131155988

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